Writing sex scenes is easy; relationships are hard.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing6 years ago

I'm having a great time writing about Josh Jennings fucking his teenage college bound neighbor in the ass after coercing her into a deal where she offers her time in payment for some ruined prize winning flowers. The sex scenes are the easy part. Throw some emotion here, put some focus on the body there, explain the bodies shaking in pleasure around there, and viola! An engaging hot sex scene. Today I had Josh push Christina against the wall and ram her ass until her came no matter how uncomfortable it was for her. Later, he lodged himself in her butt, and soaked while she grew accustomed to his dick.

He made her cum with a grunted command that she get herself off while he was in her rear end.

It turned me on to write.

I got caught, and stymied on the next part where I have to write in an emotional breakdown where Christina loses her shit again on Josh's callous and cool demeanor and how confusing he is between logging every hour and tip spent in his "employ" and how he is starting to treat her like a girlfriend. Maybe I'll have him as if she can spend the night.

She can freak out on him that she "isn't his girlfriend. That he is only the sick fuck that forced her into being his sex slave and is forcing her to let him fuck up the ass. How she hates it. How she hates him, and how she dreads every day coming to his house.

There we go. I think I have it.

The sex scenes are easy for me. The drama, the relationship love and hate is much more difficult and harder to know what people will care about or what will be believable. The writer has to pepper their trail with nuggets so when the events show up later it isn't that much of a surprise.

I only got about 1800 words in today, which is much less than I hoped for, but I had a bunch of other shit come up. Oh well. Not every day is a winner.


I think that you are doing well! You have the firm grasp (no pun intended) on the physical path of the story. I too have a difficult time with the emotional areas of writing. I usually end up thinking about somebody (anybody) outside of my life and think about how they would do this or that.
Good luck, I still enjoy your writing!

Thank you for the fine words of praise! We'll take puns where they come, haha! I appreciate the encouragement and your reaction. It means a lot to hear. It encourages me to keep writing (that and the sales that seem to trickle in).

Expressing emotions things is hard. Like, really difficult. How do you explain through images that are interesting how someone else is feeling, i mean, you can guess, or think, what would I be feeling in this situation. How would I react? I'm more a silent brooding type instead of an explosive tyrant, so writing dialogue for someone that is explosive is difficult for me.

What you said is exactly the same! "Think about someone out side my life and hwo they would do something. Or how a friend, or coworker would behave. Great advice! Useful, and one I employ and needed to be reminded of. Thank you!

Through practice we'll get to success together!

Keep the faith! I do enjoy your writing even discounting the eroticism, it brings something, not sure what, into focus.
But,,, I do enjoy the eroticism too! :)
Never give up, NEVER be discouraged!

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