Keep Talking

in #writing6 years ago

When there is trouble afoot it's talking that will get us out of it. When we are going through bad patches, that it is talking it out that will see us through. When we are optimistic and excited, it is talking that will help our partner share it.

If we aren't talking there is something wrong. If we are not talking what are we doing? Talking helps us understand, listen, share, communicate.

Lots of people assume that silence means there's a problem, something wrong. Of course, we don't need to fill all the silences but there are some pretty basic rules of etiquette when it comes to talking to each other.

  1. Acknowledge that your partner has spoken to you - and no, a grunt or a sigh isn't what I mean.

  2. Make some recognition every few seconds that you are still awake, alive, in the room, interested, paying attention - this may be a nod, a yes or no, a noise of encouragement (hmm, oh).

  3. Be aware that talking is part of your duties as a lover / partner and you should be good at it.

  4. Good talking leads to good sex - if you aren't talking you aren't flirting, holding hands, seducing. By talking we are committing the act known as foreplay.

  5. Talking helps resolve problems, silence only amplifies them

  6. Talking keeps you together - it's what you used to do when you first fell in love, remember?

Keep Talking.jpeg

There is obviously a time and a place for silence - but talking is healthy, productive, companionable, friendly, loving, kind and fun. Silences can be boring, unhelpful, destructive and threatening. Obviously there is quality talking and there is rabbiting on. Make sure you don't just chatter away to fill the silences with meaningless trivia. Talking has to have some purpose although gossiping is fine. Just wittering isn't. So talk sensibly now.


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Yeah, I totally agree with you @jessalyn. Talking is as equally important as listening. It helps improve your bond with them. But like so many things, talking can be done badly, just OK, or really well. And like any other skills, you get better with practice. So, thanks for sharing the tips!

I think, sometimes, even talking to strangers can be good for us as well. Like how Kio Stark wrote in her book "When Strangers Meet: How People You Don't Know Can Transform You", the pleasures of talking to strangers outweigh the risks. Sometimes strangers understand us better than our friends and family. Sometimes, we explain things more clearly and more freely to strangers than to loved ones. That's because a stranger can listen to your feelings without having to live with them.

In the process, we either gain perspective or learn something interesting. So, no matter what I believe - Keep talking!

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