"Y'all don't really know, or realize the danger I am in"

in #writing6 years ago

My Foot.jpg

I composed and printed this, delivered it to the office here early this morning
Attn: Ms Arica Johnson Giles 1/11/2019 08:35
Re: PA/Intercom calls

Ms Arica.
This Morning at EIGHT O’CLOCK AM, I was in bed sick.
If I hadn’t already just been to the bathroom,
this would be a much nastier letter to you.

Ms Beverly came over the intercom at EIGHT O’CLOCK AM saying:
“Attention Residents, if you are driving a GOLD LeSabre, you are
blocking the Annex building and you need to come and move your car.”
(repeated twice)

This is intolerable. I have stood it for long enough.
I pay my rent, I obey the parking laws.
If someone can’t obey the parking laws, instead of calling MY APARTMENT +
(and all 200+ others) she should be calling the TOW COMPANY.
Give ME that number and I WILL call them the next time she comes over
with this type of announcement.

There are many people in this building like me, who are not in the
best of health, some who, like me, may also have PTSD issues.
Every time that intercom goes off, I JUMP like I’ve been shot.
It is wrong for her to be playing nursemaid to people who can’t
obey the parking ordinances.

I deserve to have the peace and quiet of my bedroom, in which to
sleep and rest undisturbed by POINTLESS announcements that

Please, please would you make this STOP???
Jerry E Smith, Apt 1010
I may not be long.JPG
I did stop at the office, she had NOT read my note, and when I told her
basically what it was about, she said 'I'll look into it, if it is something
I can address, I will, otherwise I'll contact upper management"
I said "so, next time, I'LL call the Tow company". She said
'You are not authorized to call them for parking on the street'
I said "there is a phone number, I can call it and report an illegal parking".
I asked about the keys to the new Mail Boxes downstairs. She said
"the Post office hasn't assigned the numbers on the boxes to each unit yet"
I said,"So my mail box will not say apt 1010?" she said
"No, and it's a good thing too, this is the first property in 17 yrs since
I started this that is doing it the right way" she explained that if I
were to get my mail out of the box marked 1010, someone watching me,
who might want to do me harm, would then know where I live.

Then I went and picked up my mail at the Post Office,
I asked about this, and they said 'yes, this is the way it should be now'

What kind of world are we living in where a man can't get his own
mail from the box with his apartment # on it in safety?

THEN, on the way out, yet ANOTHER person
(2 black ladies in an SUV) came in the
WRONG WAY, in the one way exit.

As they were passing right in front of me, I made an exasperated face
And POINTED to the sign.
They got out, and told me to mind my own business, that everyone
makes mistakes.(That was the younger one)
I said "You didn't make a mistake, you knowingly and deliberately
came in the wrong way of a one way parking lot"
"Go one 'bout yo business and get on in yo car" she said.
"WHY, what are you going to do? Shoot me?" I said.
Then the other one chimed in "You are the one who said something to her"
"Yeah because she broke the law, this is a federal building with a clearly
posted sign stating that this is a one way parking lot" I said.
"Go on and git in yo ca you old blankety blank" she said.
At this point they were going up the steps into the building.

The clerk inside had told me I needed to go to the PO for THIS
zip code to ask about assigning the numbers.
He gave me the address and I went there.
Big place. on Pryor St. Big place, small office.
Only one clerk, not in evidence when I walked in, 4 black ladies in line.
While I stood there (almost 10 min) with never seeing a postal person,
a black man who had been in the outer lobby where these
PO boxes were, came in.
Cheerfully, he said "good morning, I guess it IS still morning"
I chuckled and said "Yes, it is still morning"
He said
(As he was picking through the large envelopes for sale on
the counter, furtively looking behind the desk)
"yeah, I have to check myself often" and with that,
he walked out without paying for the large envelope.

I looked at the 4 people in line ahead of me,
all but one of whom saw this man take that envelope...
and I walked out.
Upset, I turned the wrong way on Pryor
(using Google on my phone for directions, it didn't tell me)
and an on coming van started flashing his headlights.
I hastily backed up into the parking lot entrance, and
turned the correct direction.
No, I will not be living long in this world, methinks.
I have a higher expectation that people will do the right thing,
be respectful of others (despite what color their skin is) and
When I see otherwise, I will point it out, and I will most likely be
killed for it.


I thought you played old folks homes more often
Jerry E Smith
Not in 2018, my hip won't let me. That is the point.
my income has dropped drastically, so until I can get this operation
out of the way and back to living and working, I am in the poorhouse for sure.
Jerry E Smith
According to my list of invoices,
I played 49 times in 2018 for $ 3,760.00
In 2017, I made $6,575.00 playing 82 times

I may not be here for long

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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