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RE: Notes From an Amateur Writer #20 - Life Is Like a Box of Crazy

in #writing7 years ago

Oh, mate. You just keep coming with the hits, don't you? I really like the continuity from the previous installment. I'm so glad I read them hours apart instead of a day apart. The woes of the supermarket are something I know all too well. It's like people are intentionally trying to be unlikable. The crazies in the commute? I think every country has them. Here we even have bible preachers boarding buses and preaching the word of God before the next stop.

You and you conversations with dogs. I swear, those scenes are so eerily familiar. Are some humans even crazy or are they just misunderstood, and they're perfectly sane when seen from a different perspective. My favorite scene has to be the one with the doves. It's short and sweet, but so intimate haha

Home stretch, buddy! As you journey towards the end of the 30-day challenge, I have completed the 30-day commenting challenge as well :D


Thanks again man, much appreciate. For following along, reading and interacting and sharing your thoughts like you do. These things also inspire and help my own flow of ideas and concepts.

The dove one just popped into my head whilst I was walking. I think I was contemplating something, really don't remember, then it was like "wouldn't it be funny if?" and then the female voice asking the question. I suppose the theme of crazy was just flowing in my mind and the creative writing and imagination just went for a ride with it.

Yes the finish line is in sight. 30 days, then I may have a rest :) I wont know what to do with myself. Maybe I will need to keep writing? And there should be a badge for you also - 30 day commenting challenge. Winner :)

Mate, as I've said before, I find it my genuine pleasure to help out any way I can :D As much as I try to be there for everyone, these days I have more time to relish in the interaction because I concentrate on the people who I feel do the same for me.

I, for sure, thought that it was a prostitute when I first read the love line haha! The craziest people always come up with the most far out stories anyway. Your interaction and continued support is all the badge I need, brother :D

That love line would lead there. That's where my mind went when it popped into it. Like who would ask such a question randomly like that? Then a small section of the overall story turned up. The love/dove was my mind trying to make sense of the question, then the character popped in and it was like perhaps she really did ask the question? Layers of intrigue.

Intrigue indeed! A veritable onion of awesome!

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