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RE: Notes From an Amateur Writer #17 - Dancing With My Muse

in #writing7 years ago

Day 21 woohoo! Keep it going, mate! You know I'm rooting for you to complete the whole 30 and beyond!

I envy you. Your muse sounds so encouraging. I can't help but admire the dynamic between you two, and based on the steady clip of top-notch stuff you've been putting out since you returned, I'd say that it's working extremely well! On behalf of Steemit, I would personally like to thank you @naquoya's muse for urging on this literary savant :D


My muse thanks you. And so do I :)

I'm surprised that the ideas are still flowing well. Although perhaps I shouldn't be. There are endless ideas out there. It's just a matter of having the confidence to express them. Perhaps that is what is shifting for me. What I am loving the most is that not only are these Notes flowing, but more stories are showing up also. Varied ones. I have one more completed, and two that I am working on as we speak.

Mate, that's so awesome to hear :D Here I am having difficulty completing 7 straight days, and you're just on fire in your quest to 30!

Although I am getting thoroughly distracted with many new stories and writing blogs appearing here on Steemit. But so far so good, and I am still finding time to write. So long as what I write is worthy of publishing then I am happy. If not, then more reading, more journaling.

Mind you, 7 days is an achievement of note. But after the 30 days i will go with the flow. Need to dedicate time for the Memoirs story also.

Strangely, I actually didn't get the 7 day badge from Steemitboard. Which is a shame, but it doesn't matter. 8 posts in 7 days is a new achievement for me haha!

There are badges? I'm up to day 24 and no badges for me. Who do I complain to? Oh well, I'll just imagine one into existence. For you also.

As a matter of fact, you do have those badges, mate. Check it out here It's just a silly digital incentive, but it is great gamifying the whole experience haha

Oh wow, I didn't know about that. I like it, as a visual incentive to keep pushing forward. Targets and goals work well with challenges. Thanks for letting me know.

I like toast 🍞

Oh yeah, for sure! I know it's trivial, but it really does subconsciously boost you, knowing that everything you're doing is leading up to something.

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