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RE: Notes #38 - An Expanding Family

in #writing7 years ago

Once again you get the curie nod, mate! I don't know how you do it haha!

AWWWW Bindi looks so cute! I didn't instantly see that during the last post, but seeing her whole face really drives me to violent coos. It's great that she's getting over her trauma one day at a time. Must be tough getting over that.

I've often wondered, and it's probably stupid but do Spanish dogs understand commands in English? I mean, do dogs perceive language the way humans do. In that regard, do dogs of different nationalities have the ability to communicate with each other effectively? If so, then the way they communicate transcends borders. Makes me wish the same for us humans.


Once you see her face it's clearer to see how cute she is. And if you had the chance to see her running then even more so. Her smile is so wide when she runs. Absolutely loves it. As for me - well I love to see her happy, but I can't keep up with her!

As for language - and it's no stupid question at all - we speak to her at home and when it's just us in English. But when other dogs are around, and therefore other people also, then usually it's in Spanish. Simple words, like hola, to say hello, or amigos, to tell her they are her friends. Or besos, to tell her to be gentle, and give the other dog a kiss. So it's a bit of both. She's probably more bilingual than I am.

For me I keep thinking that she couldn't understand anything you and your wife says, but she responds out of habit, learning from cues. I could be wrong though.

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