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RE: Whole30 - Day 30 – All done.....sort of

in #writing7 years ago

I wish I could upvote this post more than 100%! You have such wisdom and such a wonderful writing voice. I love reading your stuff. I know, I'm totally biased because you're my sister. But so? You're the bomb!!

Favorite lines:

"Holy Brussels Sprouts Batman!"

"Last night I was rewarded with an allergic reaction causing a St Vitus dance of itching that required Benadryl."

"HEY! Listen the hell up! My body is shouting its disapproval and it is up to me to pay attention and take care. "

"what is easier to get in the US than a sandwich with a side of sugar?"

While I'm sorry you can't eat the naughty foods with impunity, I am so very very happy that you have figured out what was turning you prematurely into an old crone! I believe, very honestly, that figuring this out will add years to your life. All that inflammation and pain was your body trying to tell you that it was ailing badly. I suppose you may need the occasional reminder, followed by St. Vitus, Benadryl, self-flagellation, and bending over, walking with a cane, a limp and a snarl. But at least now you know.

Hey, can you do other grains? Spelt? Quinoa...?


Thanks honey. You're right. At least I know. Maybe the state of knowing is a process, like reaching spiritual enlightenment. I apparently need the periodic stumbles to gain strength and know at a deeper level. This morning, my family is having pastries from our little patisserie in town, and I was able to say 'no thank you' quite easily. Having the negative outcomes dead in my sites right now really helps.
Thanks for reading and for the encouragement!

It is that way with me and chocolate. I no longer crave the stuff because I have had such bad experiences. The good news is that I can very occasionally eat a teensy bit. (Not that I find it; but it finds me. Refer to your Eat Monkeys Eat post for the reason I consume chocolate at all when it has nearly killed me on multiple occasions!) The bad news is that “a teensy bit” is a moving target. For instance, yesterday the Girl Scout cookie sale occurred (aka chocolate apocalypse) and I had three thin mints in a momentary lapse of memory that—oh yeah! That shit is deadly to me!—and was thus up all night with the kind of excruciating acid reflux that makes death seem like a viable alternative. But I digress. Yay you got it figured out!! ❤️

No on the other grains. No grains at all. A little paleo flour seems fine though.

Thank goodness there’s something you can occasionally use for... baking? Thickening a sauce? I don’t suppose paleo flour cookies are all they are touted to be.

Yes, paleo flour, a combination flour from Bob's Red Mill, as well as nut flours and coconut flour. Those are all 'in.'

I did some reading about the AIP diet today. Similar to Whole30, there is a period of high restriction followed by re-introduction. But the restriction period is longer, 6-8 weeks, and there are more restrictions. No herbs from seeds such as mustard, cumin, coriander, fennel, cardamom, fenugreek, caraway, nutmeg, and dill seed, and no nightshades including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, paprika, mustard seeds, all chili's including spices. Also a limit of two fruits a day to limit fructose. It seems like more than I am willing to take on without some indication that I need to. It does make me a little nervous not to give it a try since some of these foods supposedly harm you "silently." But, I think my body is being pretty vocal and getting my attention sufficiently to keep me on track. I know I want to steer clear of grains and sugar permanently. I am still on the fence about beans and dairy. I don't plan to eat a lot of potatoes, but do plan to have some occasionally. I may treat beans and dairy the same way, not a lot, but sometimes if they don't cause any problems. I haven't seen any ill effects from nuts so plan to keep those happily on the 'in' list.

Oh, and no eggs for 6-8 weeks with AIP. Cannot imagine what that would be like.

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