A Day in the Park - A Soliloquy of Sorts

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I arrive early. Wanting to walk around a bit before
the other park patrons come to do their parky things.
I work my way to my favorite bench.
It is under an oak that shades me from the sun.


I like to come to the park. It is my bastion of
serenity in an otherwise chaotic world.
I bring a book with me always but rarely do I read.
Rather I just watch the world move about me.

The day is typical summer day fair, the sun moving
high and the slightest breeze wisping by.
The denizens of this place are up and about.
Squirrels playing tag to a birdsong soundtrack.


I see a young lady spread a blanket on the ground
and pull a book out of her backpack.
She lays on the blanket facing me
as I wonder where her book is taking her.

The city moves around this place busily
its sounds and smells part of the day
but never enough to take away from
the beauty or solitude of this place.

A couple walks by and the mans neck is noticeably long.
Big Bopper sings in my mind 'real loose like a long necked goose'.
I openly smile as I wonder if a long necked goose is loose.
It seems like it would take a lot of effort to hold up its head.

I've been here quite some time and I'm feeling hungry
so I walk toward the concession stand to get a snack.
On the way I see a dad playing with his son at the swings
and would love to swing too but it would seem creepy, so no.

I decide on a corndog, chips, and a fruit punch lunch.
I've always enjoyed the originality of a hot dog on a stick
but after two bites I remember why I don't eat them often.
The novelty far outweighs the taste, and it's so dry.

I throw the remains of my unsatisfying lunch into the trash
and begin to stroll through the park toward the fountain.
On my way a young couple asks me to take their picture
and how can I refuse them? Their love is so cute.

At the fountain the familiar melody of an ice cream truck
rings through the air and I look for where it's parked.
I find it and walk that way knowing that, after my lunch,
There is no way an ice cream cone could be disappointing.

It's a soft serve truck. They are much better than the pre-package trucks.
I get a vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. The colors make it more fun.
There is a young mother behind me in line. I insist on paying for her and
her children. Their smiles are the thanks I want but she says it also.

I eat my cone on the way back to my car
trying to lick it faster than it's running toward my hand.
It's time to go home. Laundry to do so I can be ready for
work in the morning. I drive away from the park. Smiling.

My writing is best described as irreverent. I follow no rules and put the words down just as they come to me in a form I'm comfortable with. I write what I like and I like what I write. I hope you enjoy it also! If you do check out a couple of my other Steemit posts.

The Jester

Remeber When....

If you would like to read more by me you can follow here --->Japhofin8or

It's the best posting i have seen. @japhofin8or
The is best place to relax.
We can get much inspiration when we enjoying there.

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