My campaign to resurrect Firefly/Serenity, including how to bring back Wash (believably) Part 1

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

(Source: Eric Ravenscraft)

The following is part 1 of my proposal for how to bring back Firefly/Serenity, with the original cast, including Alan Tudyk as Wash, and Ron Glass as Shepard Book (who could be brought back in new “Book flashbacks”), while not (really) violating the officially authorized Canon!  

Every Firefly/Serenity fan and “Browncoat”, that I have heard of, wants Firefly/Serenity back, with it's original cast, including Alan Tudyk as Wash. If Star Trek fans didn't have a problem with creating a whole new planet to bring Spock back (lame), and Fast & Furious fans didn't have a problem with “the  authorities buried the wrong person” theme to bring Letty back (much better), how much more would bringing Wash back (in a more believable manor), be acceptable? Therefore, I have worked up a proposal of how to bring the “Space Western” Firefly series and/or Serenity movies back.

Disclaimer: Please note that I have no license or ownership rights of the original characters and storyline of Firefly or Serenity, and that this is my attempt to gain an audience and/or following, with the end goal of catching the attention of the creators and owners of Firefly and Serenity, for  their consideration in regard to bringing back the series and/or the movie franchise. Further, after posting all of the parts of my outline here on Steemit, I will be writing my version of a possible story-line that could be used in a series reboot, and/or a movie franchise. I plan to post the story-line chapters here in the form of  “fan fiction” content that could be used later by the creators and owners, if they choose to consider my proposal, or to publish myself, given their permission. I have enough content to keep most “Browncoats” happy for quite some time.     

Note: My proposed story-line for resurrecting the series and/or movie(s) is dependent on bringing Wash back. In order to facilitate the return of Wash, properly and believably, one first must ask, and answer, the following questions: 

First, did Wash actually die? No one checked his vitals! They just ran for their lives! Granted, that looked like a big-ass spike sticking through him, and Reavers were on their way. No telling  what was running through Mal and Zoe’s minds right then. However, if you go back and look at that scene in the Serenity movie, you will find that the actual part of the spike that is sticking into Wash is only a couple inches in diameter, and is positioned more towards the diaphragm, than the heart. 


(Source:  Funk's House of Geekery)

Further, there are contemporary examples of individuals living through some very catastrophic injuries, such as axes and re-bar driven into one's skull, and all manner of horrible things that individuals have been impaled by. For example: the following is an excerpt from IMBD about actor Clint Walker, "An interesting fact about Walker is that he once fell on an upturned ski pole, whose point pierced his heart. He pulled the pole from his chest and walked down the ski hill. He survived and [was] still alive in 2006. You couldn't invent somebody like this in a movie and have people believe it." ( Trauma hospitals are currently able to handle some very invasive injuries, including being impaled in like manor. I once had a friend who was ex-Naval Intelligence. He informed me that any technology you see referenced in the public is AT LEAST 20 years old. So, what would a society that is 500 years in the future, that has some pretty kick-ass space ships, has Terra-formed countless planets and moons, and not to mention has floating cities, have hidden in the closet, so-to-speak???    

Second, there is evidence that the Reavers would have ignored the crashed Serenity, preferring to hunt down the others who were running away, rather than dining on Wash--the excitement of the chase would have consumed them. 

Third, would the Alliance trust the “operative” (the special agent in charge of hunting down River and Simon Tam) solely, or would there be “others” in place to spy on the operative? Wouldn't those “others” be in possession of a specially equipped ship to take delivery of River, and would that ship not have the capability and technology to deal with the catastrophic injuries a super-soldier might suffer? Would not those “others” (who, most likely, would have been directly connected to the super-soldier program), after hearing that the operative stood down the troops, and discontinued pursuit and capture of River, want to enact a plan B? Might such a plan include capturing one of the crew for later use as a pawn or an operative (after brainwashing, and reprogramming, of course) to possibly recover River, and/or perform deeds only a person who no longer exists would perform? And, Could part of the process of reprogramming, also include specialized training??? Quite a bit of speculation on my part, I know, but bear with me.  

Fourth, who cleaned up the mess after the short battle? Alliance procedure would most likely have dictated that the Serenity crew be brought immediately to an infirmary for care, and then to a debriefing. Alliance guys would, most certainly, have been commissioned to do the clean-up, including cremation, for “public safety and health” reasons. The afore mentioned “others”, could have slipped in with the clean-up crew, taken Wash back to the afore mentioned ship, and started rehabilitating and reprogramming  him. They then, could have presented the operative with Reaver ashes (or the burnt remains from the ship's breakfast) in a really nice, hermetically sealed metal box with the Mandarin sign for the circle of life embossed on it, to solemnly give to the Serenity crew, saying ”Sorry for your loss” and all that. Even the operative wouldn't have known it was not Wash inside. Taking some poetic license here, I know.  

Fifth, No part of the movie showed any grave being dug, or anything remotely resembling an actual burial—just a memorial service, with Basalt pillars displaying looped hologram video likenesses, and some rocks stacked around the pillars. In no way, were the memorials the size of a grave!   


(Source: Eric Ravenscraft)

The body of the discussion above, sets up the presumption that Wash might not, actually, be dead. The next question would be, how would one go about bringing Wash back? That would take an entire TV season, or a full length movie (leaving it open for sequels) or a novel to bring him “fully” back. Next we will examine the character back-stories and memes  of my proposed story-line      

I am a disabled man, who’s passion is to tell stories that engage the reader at the level of their soul. You’re comments and votes are all a part of helping me become that successful story-teller. With that in mind, I thank you in advance. Please look for part 2, where I outline the current status of the main characters, the “Verse”, and the Serenity crew, as a whole, for my proposed story-line. Look, also, for my own original “Space Western” novel forthcoming. Thank you for your interest and support.

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