Myself Sadist to Myself Masochist

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

NOTE: I am not a writer by any means, but I do write stuff down, because at times my head creates things.

WARNING: This is dark for those that can understand what is written and may not a good read for some and with that this is for mature readers only.

The rainy day like today seems to be exactly what my soul seems to be feeling. One may think I'm a bit depressed, oh but what I told you that it feels good? It's as though there is something within me that is feeding off this and as crazy this may sound I think it's been here before. A part of me that is hidden deep in the shadows of my inner being.

My darkness is my sadist to my light as so my light is the masochist for my darkness. I look as if balance is being made. I mean you can't have good without the bad and day without night. So, as the rain falls so do my tears. If it were to storm it may look as though it can be dangerous, but I assure you it's not, because all it did was to bring wind, thunder and lightening. Even though warm, beautiful sunny days are not uncommon, it's just seems to be more joy able after it storms.

At night the shadows lurk and moon is to shine giving just an enough light to watch over me. Eerie sounds surrounds me as I sit here waiting for dawn to arrive. Ah, the sounds I hear, heard them all before which in away it seems comforting. No one else around, just me and my shadows.

The air is cooler and I feel a bit cold, but I never moved for I just sit and wait for the light of dawn to appear. I am now focus on the moon as she shines so far above. She's beautiful but yet lives in complete darkness. Highly respected that the stars shines with her even when she doesn't make an appearance.

Below the sounds of my shadows get a bit louder. "Hello, so we meet again." I look to see, but nothing. I know that voice. "Yes." I replied, shaking from the night cold wet air. Whispers of my shadows continues while it becomes clear that they are my company. I could never really make out how many are there and I never really can make out what they say. I do know one of them and he himself knows me. There in front of me, he stands smiling down. The others are in silence watching as though they are waiting for something to take place.

The air seems thick and breathing is a bit painful. I am aroused by the way it feels. Clouds above in a distance slowly moves like a threat to cover the light of the moon. I don't hear much of my shadows. Looking up at the one who stands in front of me I can feel pleasure, but see fear. There before me awaits my sadist.

[Original content written and owned by Jeanette M. J. Davis-Spillman a.k.a JaeNet- 2017]

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