in #writing6 years ago


I don't have a hard time forgiving others ..sometimes it may take time but I do.

Today I thought of forgiveness and forgiving myself...and quit beating myself up over every single unexpected thing that happens.

All my working life I have worked at a job ...sometimes 3 jobs in a 24 hour period.. While working I always thought wow! would it ever be nice to just lay in bed until you wanted to get up.

Well guess what I did today? I stayed in bed until noon ...finally got my wish ...was I gloriously happy/ completely rested? was this something I would continue? nooooooo

Let me tell you what did happen...I was very sore ..more than usual and I was very lethargic, something I don't feel when I get up. Did this make me happy ? no it did not...

I wasted a lot of precious time hoping I could do this sleep till noon thing for a very long time just to find out it was such a disappointment where do I go with that?

I sat down and thought about what it meant to have a wish manifest itself and come to fruition....

Do you know what I learned from this? I have to forgive myself for thinking the grass is always greener on the other side....not once in my poor me (and I am not a poor me) state did I look beyond what I wanted... I did not ask if that grass was fertilized and that was why it was greener or was there special care given to it.....I just wanted to stay in bed NOW..
Today I forgave myself for thinking things in my life should be this or that and not thanking God for all the gifts I get everyday...I forgave myself for judging people without asking why they did what they did... I forgave a friend for hurting my feelings ....
I have to work on this forgiveness thing every day to feel good ....something staying in bed did not do.

How about you do you have some one or something to for give.? really does free you and leaves you with a lighter heart. try it...

The most important thing I learned from forgiving myself was that my grass is just as green as anyone else and that is good enough for me .


Well said! Funny how sometimes answered prayers are exactly what we don't want lol

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