in #writing6 years ago (edited)

The G stands for growth from childhood to adulthood.


Today again I was asked why my God didn't stop the accident that killed 16 young adults..
My God!!!!! not the God of the universe ,not our God , not the creator, but my God !!!!

This really made me think ..
I know we celebrate the joyful birth of Jesus at Christmas ... It isn't just my Jesus that was born ,but he was born for all of us who choose to follow him ... (For God so loved the world that he gave us his only son, that whoever believes in him not perish, but have eternal life...John 3:16 )

This Jesus came as a baby so we could understand what the baby came to teach us, mainly that God is good... As this baby grew we learned what he taught .....basically love God with your whole heart. soul, all your strength, all your mind and love you neighbor as your self......where in any of these statements do you see a reference to this being done just for me?

I realize a lot of people do not believe in God but have their own choice of beliefs, but I don't think that their choice is just for them . I believe that people have free choice and believe in the path they need to follow to grow...I try to follow what this path is teaching me for my growth... that encompasses the growth of Jesus from baby to adult hood. . from birth to the cross....when Jesus was crucified on the cross ,did anyone see a banner that said he died just for me????? He did, but he also was crucified for any and every one who chooses to walk this path with Jesus to enrich their lives ..



The picture of the pieta always reminds me of God's love for me as Mary holds her dead son with the greatest love for her child from birth to death belief is that God loves us like that ,a child from birth to death... our God not mine ,but for all his children.

what do you think ???????

Is he just My God or he is for every and any one who chooses to follow him...???????

Thanks for reading my post ,your comments mean a lot to me.

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