Day 952 (Daily Post)

in #writing5 years ago

Day 952. I am up super early and although there is not much in the way of fog there is some rather thick cloud cover which does not look like it is going to dissipate anytime soon.

The birds are singing and the crickets are chirping as I slowly sip my espresso and try to get my brain fully awake or at least awake enough to do my morning writing.

After yesterday's activities I zonked out super early in the evening and then kept waking up at one hour intervals starting around four thirty this morning but each time I just told myself to fall back asleep and wake up a little later until eventually I could see the faint predawn light out the window.

Anyway something that I mentioned before was that there will be grid power available at the next place that I am moving to and although I don't actually plan on being dependent on it I am unsure just how well my solar rig will do there (because of trees and geography) and getting some micro-hydro power setup there will take a good bit of surveying (to see if it is viable) and more materials so at least in the beginning I will be using some of the grid power especially for running my power tools as I get myself setup.

Since I will want to track my usage of the grid power I got a cheap one hundred and twenty volt AC meter (for thirteen dollars USD) that will log my kilowatt hours and even display the amount in dollars (after I input the electricity rate into the device) which is pretty cool and all but the real thing that excites me is that the device will also display how many amps are being used and what I am thinking of doing is getting the readings for all my various AC powered devices and labeling them with the results as well as writing out a list that details their amp requirements. All of which will give me some accurate data for what size inverter and battery bank I will need in the future as I continue to expand upon my off-grid electricity system.

Although there will undoubtedly be more grid power available than what I myself am going to require for my needs I am going to be operating on a really long run of wire that is on a fifteen amp breaker so it's not like my electricity situation is going to change all that much compared to how I have done things in the past at other places I have lived.

The entire next scenario is much more like ones that I have previously lived in where there is water and electricity on site and it will be up to me to get it to the part of the property where I will be dwelling so in some ways I will once again be doing what I call 'living at the end of a three hundred foot extension cord' which is fine by me especially since ultimately (once my off-grid rig is setup) I will probably just use the grid power for augmenting my solar so I can charge my batteries and as previously stated use my power tools which I am absolutely excited about because for nearly three years I have gone without using them which has been rather damn tricky especially since I have pretty much only been working with one good cordless tool battery for all this time.

Anyway I better wrap this up and get on with my day and see what all I can accomplish.

I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice day/night and I will undoubtedly do the same.

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Today's Obligatory Picture: Bees On Milk Thistle!

Thanks for reading!


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