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in #writing6 years ago (edited)

He's making money. He has huge reputation. He has followers. Most of the time he makes good blog posts. ...and he has no need to re-assess himself as long as he's getting paid now. That what happens to most people when they hit celebrity status..

I understand it, I just make it a point to never do that.

To qualify what I'm saying.. long ago I wrote him an email about chilli's and peppers... it was a 2 page email on how much I enjoy hot spice.

My response: Nothing. :(

...and what you can expect, tomorrow another new blog post.. and he won't even see these comments or dialog.


Dude I am so sorry to hear that! I've known him for 15 years.. money has changed him back into his old self.. You can talk to me about peppers tho! I have 600 varieties now and just built a new growbox! 6 levels, 500 watts. I started planting 2 days ago, some should start appearing in the next week. My favorite flavor pepper is Uba Tuba.. it tastes like apples and looks like a flying saucer!!


I'm sorry that you feel that way about me. I do try to reply to many of my comments, support many of those who support me, and interact with others. Truth be told, I rarely, rarely check my email. I never really have, it's not one of my primary means of communication, so I never saw your email.

It's kind of like calling someone when they are not home, you get no response. I'm not trying to be a celebrity I'm just doing the same stuff I've always done they same way I've always been doing it. If people like what I do, they can support it, if not, no one has to.

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