Reading Julia Cameron's "Right to write", impression from Chapter three (Catching the flow)

in #writing7 years ago

In the thind chapter Julia learnes us to stop talking and start listening. While I was reading it I was thinking: that's it, that's the state I'm looking for all the time, and the state that is so hard to reach.

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Of course it's metaphoric. The truth meaning is that we should stop agonizingly try to come up with something, and let the thoughts come by themselves instead.

I know exactly what she is talking about. Yet not with writing, but with painting. Often I have this state when I have lots of inspiration, and I can feel the ideas in the air. And I start trying to catch them, to look for good references, to seach for solutions instead of just taking a pencil and let the creative flow go right threw me. 

It really is a best solution, and I hope one day I will become brave enough to do it each time when I feel the flow. But now I mostly start browsering for ideas. And I find them, and combine them, and I create my own art as a result after looking threw tones of references, but I feel that I do it wrong anyway. 

The starting point must be a free sketching, with no concentration on the result, or correct proportions, or good anatomy. Just the process of looking for ideas on the paper, kust letting the flow come threw you, with no control. And only then, when there're already a packet of sketches came out, it's time to look for references and to specify details, anatomy and proportions. And the composition.

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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