Draw your fear? (reading Julia Cameron's "Right to write", impression from Chapter nine and ten)

in #writing7 years ago

In this two chapters I disagreed with Julia for the first time.

In the first one the main advice is "to leave the drama to the parer". OK, I also don't like arguing but... As an exapmle she puts an argue between her two best friends, and says that she ferused to take part in it and went writing.

May be ut's just me, but this solution would come to me without questioning, or any other solution. OK, even if these are my friends - what business do I have with their argue? So I think it's totally normal thing - to step aside and not to take part in the conflict.

And in the chapter ten she's telling about having your own "Shame board". And pretends that it gives inspiration, inspiration based on anger and pain.

Image credit

May be it's just me again, but... To me it lookslike "draw your fear" exercise. Or "write your fear". The second one can make sence (50/50), but the first one? OK, really, go draw your fear, make it even more real, bring it to life and let it live.

When I have something bad happening in real life I never bring it to my creative process. I can write everything in a diary sometimes, especialy when I want to say lot's of rude things to someone. I write it down, I can read it aloud to release myself, but I'm not going to write a story about it or create a picture. Personal sorrow can bring me to the workshop in order to take a breke, but it's not going to be the leading emotion for creativity. I work in other way - instead of drawing my fear I'll draw my victory over it.

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber


Thanks for writing this post. My drawings almost always speak anguish or sadness. Almost like a subconscious venting as I am outwardly and mostly genuinely intrinsically happy. But something happens when I put pen to paper.
So I have committed to mindfully drawing positivity rather than mindless sorrow.
It has proven to be a rather difficult task actually.
I am truly trying to draw my way to victory by consciously drawing light in place of dark.
PS. Your image is very much my usual thing.

I like the shame board idea. I think I will adopt it. The drawing is awesome BTW

It's not my drawing, and it's said in the text. I just used it as illustration

I understood that. But still... Great choice then 😀

:) I just whished to make it clear again. Just in case:)

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