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RE: The Golden Queen (Flash Fiction/Humor)

in #writing7 years ago

Canterbury tales! I have a bit of that memorized in the old english. Let's see if I can reproduce it from memory!

Whan that april wit its shores soote
the droot of march hat perced to the the roote
and bathed evry veen in swich liqeur
of which vertu engendred is the fleur
Whan Zephirus eke wit his sweete breete
the tundre croppe and the yonge son
hath wit he ram halve coors ronne
And smale fowle that maken melodie
that slepen all the nicht wit open eye
so picketh them natur in the courages
than langen folk to go to pilgremages

Not sure of the spelling, but yes, I, too, enjoy Canterbury tales!


wow, you put me to shame, My Friend! of course, I would comment about the Canterbury Tales to one of the few people who can recite it! How amazing are you?!

Aw, shucks, I guess I'm pretty amazing :P

I'd say so. Olde English is basically another language you appear to know fluently

Well, I'm an actor and memorized that bit for a show. I couldn't make up prose in old English, but I understand what I'm saying.

Yes, I see...Improv! I did acting and musical theater through my teen years. Something happened, anxiety, actually, not with public speaking, but panic attacks. Out of fucking nowhere! I stopped. I wish I hadn't. Plus, my mom wasn't a stage mom, thank god, so I was able to stop and refocus.

I have a dear friend who suffers from anxiety. She does improv with me in an incredibly warm and supportive community and says it helps her immensely. ComedySportz. Are you familiar with it? There are CSz communities all over the world.

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