Does Prophet Adam Have a belly button?

in #writing7 years ago

The question still makes us curious and ask questions and interesting to talk about.
Then therefore to find the answer to the question, I search the internet was not much to discuss about it.
I personally acknowledge that there is a specific explanation about it or maybe adam does not have a belly button because adam is the first man directly created god from the ground.

but in this post I will pick up some articles that discuss about it, are as follows:

Did Prophet Adam have a Navel?

A few nights ago when I gathered with my friends in our usual place to gather. We talk about everything, from important things to less important things, everything we talk about. But what was interesting about our conversation that night was a question that seemed odd and odd and maybe not many people were asking it. The question is "does the prophet have the navel"? Of those questions invited many friends' comments, ranging from simple thought and argument to argumentation using only resource and reference. There is an opinion that the prophet does not have a belly button because the prophet is not born. If so then the prophet adam is a kind of being different from the average human being who normally has a belly button. Another opinion, the prophet adam has a navel because the prophet adam the same as humans in general like the type of man today. This opinion is not strong enough because if the prophet adam has a navel like a human in general then it means he was also born because the function of the umbilical cord is to channel the juice from the mother's food to the baby it contains.

In the middle of the conversation I was more curious to find an answer based on the rationalization that I could accept and if there were any sources or references that specifically addressed the issue. I try to search on the internet maybe a lot of writing that can answer that problem. It turns out that there is not much writing to discuss the matter and the answer can not be satisfactory. Until now I still have not found the answer to the question "Does Prophet Adam have a Naval?" Which is satisfactory. If only someone had helped me answer that question of course I would be grateful for the addition of new knowledge that I have not understood.

Did Adam have a belly-button? I believe we can say, “No—Adam didn’t. Neither did Eve.”

Why? Because your belly-button (navel), or tummy-button as it’s sometimes called, is a sign that you were once attached to your mother. You depended on that life-line—the umbilical cord—for your nourishment from her body as you developed inside her.

But our first parents, Adam and Eve, didn’t develop that way. I believe that God would not have planted on them a false indication that they had developed in a mother’s womb.
Girl with belly-button showing. Photo copyrighted. Courtesy of Films for Christ.

When God created Adam and Eve in mature form, the day they were created they might have appeared to be, say, 30 years old. But God wouldn’t want or need to create the appearance of a false history, any more than the mature trees created by God would have had growth rings initially. Those are things which would develop in their offspring as a result of processes later on.

What’s more, this would be a tremendous testimony to God’s creativity. Ken Ham once put it this way: Lack of a belly-button on Adam and Eve would be one of the biggest tourist attractions in the pre-Flood world, as the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren would come up and say, “Why don’t you have a belly-button?” And they could recount again and again, to generation after generation, how God had created them special by completed supernatural acts, and yet had designed them to multiply and fill the Earth in natural ways that are equally a part of God’s continuing care for what He created.

“…the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground… And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”
     -Genesis 2:7,21-22

Click to learn about ADAM, the first man What was Adam, the first man, really like? Learn more unique and fascinating facts about the man from whom we all descended!



I think about it need a search and discustion

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