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RE: Some thoughts on writing

in #writing6 years ago

Communication is hard. Many of us feel these issues, especially with the added pressures of monetization. Even though we feel the pressure to post whether or not the content is good, the more important aspect is to be authentic, truthful and add more signal than noise. As you said, our 'similarities allow us to communicate', so we can hardly build on similarities of we don't communicate openly and honestly.

An analogy I once heard is that each individual is an island and language builds the bridges between islands. Honestly, I didn't think writing was a less filtered form of language, but I had never considered that we are more comfortable when writing. Ultimately, open communication occurs if we can get 'out of our own head' and that usually involves a level of comfort.

Good read.


Very well said! A lot of times I fail to get-out-of-my-own-head and realize that people have a really tough time with communication. I think it might point to a need for either more education or better awareness which might help create a better sense of empathy. When I talk to people I try to get a sense of their life, their situation and I can quickly empathize with their point-of-view but only if I am not trying to push my own agenda thus not being open and honest and then failing to communicate.

I think you hit the nail on the head with 'authentic [and] truthful' I think having societal pressure to do that is a step in a very positive direction. It will help cut through the facades that people build in order to do business and survive in todays world.

Thanks for reading!


I appreciate your comment on empathy and feel you're right about more education and personal awareness. In the past, I've had problems building a personal link with others and wish I would have been taught more about awareness growing up. Often, I find myself a better writer/human when I allow myself to flow and feel the emotions from others' perspective.

Similar to not pushing one's own agenda, presenting solutions isn't always the best way to relate to others. Being present, listening and empathizing is a great approach, but not having learned these concepts earlier makes it harder. Yoda said it best, "You must unlearn what you have learned."

Thanks for the great disussion and article.

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