Mr. Ajayin, the pricks, Steemit's decentralized centralized platform and the circle jerking that keeps taking roots financially.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I woke up with the most agonizing paid yet and looking over at the bed by my side, I noticed Mr. Ajayin still slept peacefully or was he?1518675200075.jpgLast night was mad and scary, I was up all night praying I don't die but more still, I was praying Mr. Ajayin makes it through the night.

Mr. Ajayin, is a very interest fella and he seems to have a way with words. I kept wondering what the hell he was talking about and what he even meant with his occasional tips of wisdom.
They said he wasn't supposed to be alive, but he is? The accident kinda messed him up and had his limbs severed; he also had a deep gush on his frontal lobe that made it impossible for him to see properly, but he still managed to put on a brave smile.

Why does anyone get to be dealt what they never paid for? Why does it look so painful from the eyes of the ones who are great and filled with so much potential?

Let's talk about corruption?

Everyone is corrupt and I think we should all be.? Look and ask questions that should and deserved to be asked and stop complaining about a system that sells to rob you of your humanity.

Seeing where we are going in real live playing out here on Steemit is something that shocks me. I joined Steemit thinking there will really be a balance and I am shocked to notice that, the ➗ just keeps widening. Reward pool rape, self upvoying and continuous recycling of same accounts owned by some few overly smart idiots.

Steemit has its own dose, well quite a huge volume of hypocrisy and hypocrites running the show and making everybody else do their bidding.
You are not permitted to talk about what they do because if you do, they will ⛳ you to invincibility.
They keep getting well rewarded for their criminality and the others keep getting punished for their obedience.

How do these hypocrites operate? Circle jerking and multiple creation of accounts they use to constantly drain the reward pool.
Did you see the trending articles this morning? How many do you think deserves to be there? The articles about nothing seems to be up there and that innocent post that was authored with pain and hope of a change for the better gets 0.00.

I need to get some delegations as well so I too can use same to upvoted myself and my 👪 or better still create multiple accounts.

Is Steemit Decentralized?

Far from it. I think Steemit thinks they are decentralized but they really are a centralized decentralized platform where some select few wield so much power, strike, Steem Power that they run the streets like the Boondocks Saints.

The guys at the Inc seems to be - 1, Unaware of the happenings in their house or they are 2, not sure they are aware. Why aren't you seeing this and ensure the process is fair? Dang!!! They are either jerks too or incredibly stupid.

The pricks.

We are all pricks and I like the fact that I can call everyone pricks, but what kind of prick am I?
I think I can answer that... The type that is always erect but never finds a pot to retire to. Oooh sorry, did I prick you? Well, I guess I did and I don't pricking care.

I have some role model pricks and they will always have a place in my heart.
You want to know my favourite? Well, I think he is still by far the best one out there, but I am not gonna tell. look below for hint.

Back to Mr. Ajayin.

It suddenly became very quite and I can swear I hear not even my breath. I looked sideways at the bed by my side and it was empty.
What happened? Was I asleep? Where did Mr. Ajayin go to? He was here some minutes ago and I was looking forward to talking with him.

Just then the nurse walked in and I asked after my friend, Mr. Ajayin.
At first I thought I heard the nurse say, "School bus stop".
"Excuse me"? I asked the nurse.
"This is the last bus stop sir." the nurse said.
"What?" why is the nurse sounding all macho? I thought. I looked around and noticed that the bus was empty.

What happened to Mr. Ajayin? Was I dreaming? Is this a tale of the uncommon consciousness that keeps eluding me whenever I think I am on to something good?

The guys head is in a jar and yet you wonder, "what gives?"

One more thing....

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