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RE: What Makes Voldemort, Grindelwald, and Slytherin Bad?

in #writing5 years ago

Excellent post. Good for those who think that fantasy books and their movieadaptation are just kiddy stuff.
I just watched the second part of Fantastic Beast with my daughters. We are all fascinated at Rowling's imagination and storytelling skills.
I try not to ruin their joy by discussing the political and ideological implications of the characters and the worlds they live in, but i find subtle ways to make them be aware that all these stories are just ways to say something about our human condition, what makes us virtuous and what makes us evil.
You have provided a fantastic summary and analysis of three key character types in the HP universe.

PS. This phrase is repeated(?) in the post, a typo no doubt: "The chosen person/people is/are superior and should be in charge of the inferior people"


Thanks. You're right, narratives are the foundation of human knowledge, and really maps for our behavioral patterns and values. You can point some things out to kids, but you don't have to make everything explicit. The story will communicate most of the lessons better than we can express them in any other way. It's always great to connect with other people that realize the depth to these stories.

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