Becoming a writer: seven golden tips for beginners

in #writing7 years ago

As a new Steemian I noticed an interesting thing. A significant part of the prose works that are published in the category of writing are actually the beginnings of short stories. Unfinished fragments whose authors should still work on them.

When I started to write, the hardest thing was to master short forms. Over time, I saw that beginner writers and older colleagues make similar mistakes in their work. In this text I wanted to help beginners who want to improve their writing through a few simple but very valuable tips.

I hope the fact that English is not my native language will not affect your reading. If I made some mistakes during the writing, please forgive me.


There is almost no person who has never felt a storm of inspiration, and wished to point out it through words and make it eternal in the form of prose work. One small spark starts a chain of thoughts and the fingers start to itch. It's time to create something extraordinary.


So, select your favorite pencil or keyboard, choose the first word and the magic starts. Now, the first troubles will begin. Fortunately, many give up. Ignoring the fact that good writing requires only one part of the talent and much practice, leads to bad work.

How do I know if I'm on the right track?

The fact that your high school teacher told you that you are talented is certainly not enough. As every person who knows how to combine clothes does not become a top fashion stylist, so any idea transferred to the paper will not bring you into the league of successful writers. Strong desire and motivation are a good first step. However, this is not enough. At the beginning it is necessary to follow some basic tips.

1. Read

Without this, there is no success. Read more and read good books. Do not run away from the classics, because this is the best way to get in touch with the mastery of those whose works have left a trace in epochs. Every book we read leaves its mark on us. Choose them wisely, because they will have an impact on your writing style. Be open-minded and ready for the diversity of the world's literary heritage. The fact that you see yourself as a famous writer of epic fantasy does not mean that you will not learn and be inspired by the works of Dostoyevsky, Pushkin, Shakespeare and other literary giants.


2. Develop an idea.

Inspiration is a great thing, but rare are those who write their works only on the wings of it. What is the form of your future work? Is it a short story or a novel? How much do you actually know about the world you are preparing to present to readers? What is the history of your heroes, bad guys, episode characters, and their friends? Give them some time. Do not hesitate to record their biographies and even the situations and events that you do not intend to enter into the story. All this will help you to make your final handwriting more enjoyable, and thus gain better passage for potential audiences. Edgar Allan Poe is the author of the great essay "The Philosophy of Composition", in which he describes the creative process of his famous poem "The Raven" to the details. I strongly recommend it as an unavoidable learning material for every novice writer. If you like, you can read it here:

3. Do not worry while writing.

Do not be afraid of the reception of your work. The way your readers will respond should not be what occupies your thoughts while you are writing. The tastes are different, so there will certainly be reactions. And in order to wait for that moment, you must first complete the job successfully.

4. Read what's written.

It may be strange to emphasize this, but this is one of the most common mistakes that beginners make. Do not rush to present your work to the world. Read it several times. Try to remove any unnecessary parts that will appear. Always think about one golden rule – show, not tell. The aim is to draw the reader into our story and avoid making him bored by sterile narrative.

5. Find the first readers

That's right, before submitting your handwriting to the publishing house, find a few people who will give judgment about what you have written. Family members and friends can always do this, but be sure to include those who are not very close to you. Our loved ones can hide or beautify the truth, and do not realize that they do not really do us a favor. Search Internet forums, find a fellow writer, a fan of the genre that you write (make sure that these are people with some reputation), and ask them to read the first hand of your work.


6. Be open to criticism.

At this stage, there is no room for vanity. It can very easily happen that although you are convinced that a new bestseller is in front of you, the first reactions do not go in that direction. Any criticism does not have to be benevolent or correct, but it is up to you to seriously consider whether you want to accept or reject it. If the negative reviews of several readers match, it is quite certain that there is a problem that you need to work on. However, no matter how terrible it sounds, do not lose hope. Do not forget that all power is in your hands. You make the final decision about the final look.

7. Deliver work to the right address.

Whether it's about sending a story to a literary contest, or offering a publisher, the long-awaited moment has arrived. Be patient because you will probably wait for months. If you are rejected, do not give up. Someone else may recognize the quality of your manuscript. If you are one of those who see writing as an integral part of their life, your effort will surely pay off at some point.

I wish you good luck, and if you find this useful please let me know. As every newbie on Steemit, I would be very happy for any kind of feedback :-)


Thanks, I feel like I have good ideas and things that I want to get off my chest but feel difficult expressing it at times. I guess practising will make it better and I need to read more.

Well, if you have that urge to write something - that is good. Trust me, expressing ideas in a right way will come with time. You have some really good texts on your blog, I will follow it ;-) Thank you for reading!

Thank you, I am following back :-)

Very educative post. Well done @hidden84

Thank you, I am glad you like it :-)

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