Weight Loss Journey Update #4!

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

This is a different update, not about pounds, but size!

I have been finding myself constantly pulling my pants up lately! At work this is not acceptable and my gosh my pants are baggy! My tops have been fitting a bit more nicely as well.

So, it was time to head to my favorite local thrift store.


Clothes are almost always reasonably priced there and they often have sales. So of course I shop there!

You have to be careful though. Look at the size discrepency. 😑 That's not a very nice thing to do to someone excited about trying on a smaller size only to find they're too small. And lots of the pants in that section were marked that way.


Apparently it is not a very important task for them to label correctly.

But, what IS important, is that I WAS a size 18 pant size. I can now fit a size 16!!! Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with myself. Ha! And just LOOK at the difference between them!


Holy crap! It makes me wish I had taken before pictures and measured myself at 230 so I could compare to now and as we go along.

It's just further inspiration to keep on pushing, get those pounds off and keep them off for good! Yay!


WOOHOO! That's a great feeling, isn't it? When I first started dropping size, I didn't clothes shop for a looooong time, until it just became ridiculous how loose my pants were. So when I finally bought new jeans, they were more than one size different and I was all WHAT, REALLY because on the scale my weight was not that dramatically different. It just shows that you are also building muscle with all your walking and stuff and so shrinking faster than the scale reflects! :) Congrats!

Great work :)

Great job @hickorymack. I have been on that weight loss journey for quite some time now. Keep it up! We are doing this for a healthier life! :-)

Great post. It doesn't seem like you are getting the likes it deserves though. Have you checked out the upvote communities? You should check out steemengine. or steemfollower.com.

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