Visitor Update. The Good and the Bad.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Let's start with the Doggo Inari found. Cute little bugger, she stayed here at the house for all of maybe an hour? My girl Ella was not a fan, and I had to go to work, so off to my friend's house she went!

We posted her everywhere, on SO MANY local pages. This little dog got herself over 300 shares, everyone looking for her people.


My friend has her own business here in town #FoodDudes and she posted the dog on her business page. It was through that page that we finally caught a break! Somebody knew the dog!

Her teenage daughter was friends with the owner's teenage son.

This is where it gets sad. The girl contacted the boy. The family knew we had the dog, knew we were looking for her people, and had said nothing. They didn't want her back.


This little dog is hyper. She has a constant case of the zoomies. But she is so sweet and silly and adorable! And once you pick her up and hold her the zoomies disappear and she just wants to cuddle.

My heart breaks for her. What kind of people just abandon their dog?

I guess I take it personally. When we were seperated from Hiro and Ella during our homelessness last winter it hurt every single day. I worked so hard to keep these two in our lives.

My friend is deciding if she is going to keep the doggie, unfortunately her resident dog has the same opinion of her as my Ella does.

Buuuttt... she named the dog Nina. I told her she may as well stop kidding herself. Once you name it, it's yours!

The lady that told us about the family actually brought all of Nina's things to my friend. Bowls, brushes leash all of it. That's pretty final.

So, let's raise a glass to Nina. Good riddance to those people, welcome to the next chapter little doggie!

Sloth's turn! Like my friend's resident dog, our resident boss cat was NOT happy about my impulsive decision to bring another cat into the house.

Sloth spent his first couple of days hiding in the bathroom between the sink and the tub, peering out into the livingroom and watching out for Dragon.

We have established a bedtime routine. While the kids are washing up, getting jammies on and brushing teeth, I take Sloth over to the sofa and love on him.

He loves his kitty brush!

Dragon and Sloth have had two pretty serious scraps. The first one leaving several hanks of Sloth's hair flying about.


Sloth is in defensive mode. Every little thing is a reason to growl or hiss right now.

However he did relocate his hiding spot to under Inari's bed. So we moved a litter box and a food and water dish into there.

I had ranted a bit about his Colitis flare up. He is finally habing normal stools as of today, no blood for the first time since Saturday! And no scraps between him and Dragon for a couple of days now.

His stress level is slowly dropping. Hopefully once he is accustomed to our family, we can get some weight on the little guy.

Thank you for reading. Love to you!


Heyyyyy @hickorymack ❤ it's great you got this post out. Lots going on in your world when it comes to these precious four leggeds. Here's to Nina and a new chapter. And, here's to hoping some harmony and peace arrives in the world of feline at your house real quick!! And, as always many blessings to you and your offspring ❤ Till next time love you too!! Peace ❤

Thank you, I so hope Dragon and Sloth can come to love each other!

I hope you're doing well!

The oldest dog on record was an Australian cattle dog named Bluey who lived 29 years and 5 months. In human years, that is more than 160 years old.

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