Insanity Overtakes Us!

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

We have had a long couple of days. It has been cold and rainy and SNOWY! The Land Lord still has not turned our heat on because it does not legally have to be turned on until Oct. 15th.

If the law will let them get away with it, a Land Lord will do it.


I love fall, and I feel a bit robbed of it this year. This time of year should be sweater weather, not winter coats and hats and boots weather.

And since it is so cold in the house, there is very little opportunity to warm up after being out there.


We also had a massive storm. And when you live next to the world's largest lake (by area) big storms can either be eaten by it, or fueled by it.

Lady Superior decided to push this one along, a bit early, usually this type of thing doesn't start happening until mud November.

Canal Park Flooded. Power was out. Trees down everywhere. The boardwalk ripped to shreds. The winds were maintaining at over 60 miles an hour and waves were recorded at 26' high.


The top part of that photo is the canal, where ocean liners, lakers and various local crafts slip through and under the lift bridge.

There is a large wall and the middle is a walkway where tourists and locals alike go to watch all the boat activity, walk out to the light house, take in the view.

Also underwater is the bottom part of the pic, which is about 5 feer above the walkway in the middle. The canal is usually a good 10-12 foot drop to the water from the walkway.

This is the lazy creek my kids swim in during warm days.


If anyone has a tutorial on how to get a video onto Steemit, will you please pass it along to me?

The kids and I plan to go down to Canal Park this weekend and see what there is to see. The waves crashing into cliffs sprayed water over the top of Split Rock Lighthouse. The lighthouse is 50 feet high and sits on top of a 130 foot high cliff!

I am working on getting permissions to share photos from local photographers with you, the shots are spectacular.

Last night we had conferences. So we we were out until almost 10 PM just so these women could tell me how wonderful my children are. Like I don't already know. 🙄


All of them are doing really well, Inari's teacher couldn 't stop praising him!

We also stopped at the book fair, since we had an hour between Willow and Sparrow's conferences. They each picked something so classically them. Pokemon for Sparrow, Dinosaurs for Willow and Minecraft for Inari.


I bought myself an adorable Harry Potter pen. My only regret is not buying Ron and Hermione too, lol!

I am basically a cripple at this point in my life.


My plans for the weekend are to take it easy. Laundry, cooking, cleaning and preparing for #NaNoWriMo!

No need for anything huge this weekend. Oh, except for freaking winter boot shopping, and gloves and mitties. It does not matter how many pairs of gloves and mitties you have. If you have children, you need more. They will lose AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL the mitties and gloves and then take yours, too!

Sloth has this issue where he hides under Sparrow's bed all day and night, lodging himself between the bedsprings and the box matress, where he complains loudly when he is hungry. Most times we assist him in getting out, assuming the frail old man is stuck. He is not. I have seen him get out on his own.

So last night I told the kids to leave him to his whining. "He will come out on his own." I assured them, much to his grumpiness. He complained all night.

This morning I fed them all, and POP! He wasn't waiting to be fed in his usual plave, he rushed over and dug into Albus' bowl.

The look of utter betrayal.


Mooooooom, you're letting him get away with this thievery?!!

Meanwhile Dragon got to eat in peace for the first time in forever (Albus usually pesters him), while glaring daggers at Sloth from across the room.

It was a highly entertaining morning, while I hobbled around getting the kids ready to go.

I leave you with this guy, cleaning up after the filth of Humanity.


And humans have the audacity to call this bird a "pest". I'm sorry, did the bird leave filth all over the place?

We're over due for a #litterwalk, maybe we'll do a short one this weekend.

Love to you all, Steem on!


Oh damn, I can't believe they don't have to have it on until the 15th with weather like that! You'd think it would be legally by the time you get your first freeze instead. That sucks. Ours was just turned on in the past week, but we haven't had a storm like that in town, anyway. The mountains have been hit hard.
I looooooove the bird in flight photo! Great shot!

You live by mountains?! Ermagerd, I'm pretty jelly. I've neber seen mountains. Though some people call our hills mountains. I'll get some pictures while we are out this weekend. You tell me if they qualify. Lmfao

And yeah, the wind was so crazy he just hung there suspended, so the picture turned out great!

I'm in Denver. So the mountains are like, to put it in Sarah Palin terms, you can see them from our houses. LOL
In a car, it's a quick trip. Without a car, they just sit there, taunting me. There is no "random drive through mountains" bus. ;)

I've never heard of a landlord actually having to turn on the heat. Weird and sad.

I have gone through at least 5 different winters in Kansas were the furnace broke down and we had to endure several days in the middle of winter without heat. I even had a landlord that told us the furnace was fine but then found out that it was broken. (We lived on the 2nd floor of an old house and didn't have access to the thermostat AND my baby daughter needed to be swaddled all the time to keep warm.)

I had a landlord that took a week to get our kitchen sink I was doing our dishes in the upstairs tub. Fun times! I lived in that house for 9 years, and there was always something I had to harass him about fixing.

We can get temperatures down to -40° and the windchill has given us "feels like temperatures" of -65° many times.

So, they had to make a law. Which is compeletely asinine. If it gets too cold the water pipes will freeze and burst. Where does self preservation come in for these people? Protect your investment!

Beyond that...where's the humanity? The dollar is man-made; we are here by God's grace. It would be nice if more acted like it.

Take care!! I know what it is like to be inside a home that is probably as cold as it is outside. :-( I wears on the nerves pretty quickly!

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