There's always a next time - Part 1

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


In a very dark night on december 2001, the streets were so empty, the city felt like there were no people nor animals in it, as if some kind of disaster happened and only he survived. Even the sky had no stars that night. It's probably because of the dark clouds. The little cat was having a very strong feeling that this night is going to change his life forever. He just doesn't know if it's a good change or a bad one.

He kept wandering looking for food. He knew that a big storm is coming. Maybe everything in the city knew that and that's why they all found some food and shelter and disappeared. But he is hungry, now that he realised he has no chance to get some food in the streets, and while the first drops of rain started targeting him, he knew he had to think outside the box, and maybe break some of his rules temporarely in order to survive. The very rules that kept him alive for these last years alone in this big city.

He found an open window and smelled something delicious coming out of it. Yes, his number one rule of survival was about never to get involved with humans, their actions are very random, especially the little ones, they can be extreamly kind or the opposite, and that's a hudge risk he's never supposed to take. But he just couldn't resist the smell of food, not with this much hunger and during this terrifying storm.

He slowly and prudently entered the room and scanned it with his eyes. When he made sure it was empty he started looking for the source of the smell. Everything in that room was way bigger than him. He got scared and distracted for a while, but then he remembered he has to find food. He noticed that the smell was coming through the door. While he was thinking about trying to go through the door and calculating the risks. A little human came in, from the look in his eyes he knew that was his room. For three long seconds, in which his heart could beat about two times the average, the two creatures stared at each other's eyes. Each one of them palanning and imagining what to do and trying to expect what the other will do in return...

Since I'm still writing it, I'll be open to any suggestions or requests from the readers to make it a fun experience for everybody. Of course I have my own ideas about the big events so I'll be the one who decides how the story goes but I'll do my best not to be too dictator :D

Part 2 will be out next saturday


i am thinking like it's a zombie story hehe or yeah i do remember tje ' i am legend ' movie of will smith . 👍❤️❤️❤️

actually the story is totally different from that :D
wait and see :p

Interesting piece! Looks like a making of a pretty good dark story as the setting is pretty melancholy.

But don't worry about being a dictator etc! It's your story so just drop in your very own style of authenticity into it! :)

It will get even better in the next parts ;)

I love it, I want your idea for part 2. Thanks my friend!!

Thanks you so much my dear friend @paradise-found
I woke up this morning and I found your amazing surprise 😃

Part 2 and part 3 are ready but I'll post them on saturday and wednesday as promised :)

Dang curiosity, every time...🙀

That's the point

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