Hollywood Trees . . . There Actually Were Some Once Upon A Time

in #writing6 years ago

Hollywood looked like a sleepy little village when this photo looking west on Hollywood Boulevard was made in 1922. The cross street is Cahuenga Boulevard and the building housing the Kress Drugstore on the right is actually still there today.

That pleasant grove of trees down the block, however, is gone. Such overly abundant trees have been replaced by city mandated 14/block trees growing through holes (trip hazards) in the concrete sidewalk, thus making room for more economically beneficial space utilization. The Hollywood hills in the background of this photo remain, perhaps because nobody has figured out a cheap way to move them out of the way for more economically beneficial space utilization.

Historic photo © Water & Power Associates
Text and design © Steve Eitzen
Header & HPO Logo © HPO Productions


Toronto is called the City of Trees - hard to imagine even a metropolis without them, not to mention a tiny burg like Hollywood

Imagine coming forward in time from then - do you think any such traveller would want to stay in our time?

At least we still have a sense of humour, as shown by you

I love the nostalgia of the past!

I agree. That nostalgia is part of us. The more we understand our history, the better we understand who we are and how we got here.

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