Who REALLY Killed JFK and Who the F&*# CARES!!!?

in #writing7 years ago

First, Steem is a young persons platform. I know this.

I present this here on this forum because those who are responsible for the assassination of JFK, ARE, STILL, IN, POWER! Whether you feel one way or the other about President Trump, those individuals, and their fellow conspirators, are still nestled safely within the security and intelligence apparatus.

THIS is why I present it here.

We are STILL under attack from the SAME entity JFK Spoke about here.

In His speech at the White House Correspondents and News Photographers Associations Dinner, The President of the United States said, "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless CONSPIRACY..."
The President, one of 2 assassinated, was a conspiracy theorist. Or... Not! Meaning all those who bandy the term "Conspiracy Theorist" about in all directions, in disrespect, in all respects, are themselves theoretical-patriots, Statist Stooges, in fact.

Watch about 5 minutes of the following video

Whoops... looks like we stumbled upon some truth and YouTube identified the video as "inappropriate".
Proceed With Caution!

In the 1930s, a New Class of international financiers began searching around for a home-grown authoritarian political movement they could support. What they needed was someone they could count on to be both aggressive AND expansionist. Ultra Right-Wing causes which in normal times would've been ignored and marginalized, were suddenly given very careful consideration, until finally the rich elite found a man and an idea which they felt might deliver the political outcome they designed... Adolf Hitler and his fledgling National Socialist party.

In Hitler the illuminati had found a ready made stooge who could be the face of this autocratic new movement, and when the time came to put together a new secret intelligence service, which was going to help protect all the money they had tied up in the German economy, these men also found what was readily made available, the Order of the Skull and Bones at Yale University.

WWII was not a real war. Yes, lots of young men died for the cause of Freedom. But, what is so clear now, an entire generation of young men died, giving up their lively youth, for the cause of Freedom; Freedom, that is, for a small class of international bankers and business elite. War is basically an aggressive corporate take over. As such, a plan of attack is penned to paper, dispensed to affiliated partners, preconceived propaganda prepares naive people, provoking prejudice and palpable prepossession to partiality. The string tying these p's together is the unseen script made available only to those predisposed to prowling the penumbra of privacy suppression.
The war-script ALL sides performed created untold amounts of wealth control, collected during the fog of war, and secured within countries that took no part in WWII, some may call these countries "Neutral." How then can a neutral country produce these two things, currency and weapons and remain neutral? I would ask the Swiss and other nordic countries how they claim neutrality after providing the tools of war to other countries.

I digress...

"Make Germany 'Strong' again." Sounds a lot like 'Make America "Great" again.' Make America a Bulwark against Islamic Extremists(aka Bolsheviks). Associating Islam with Aggression.

"We've lost our will power since our will power is divided: The people of the governing class think only of their own fortunes which means hatred of the Reds. Our class interests cut across our national interests and I go to bed in gloom." ~Harold Nicholson

If you knew a former president were assassinated by an arm of his own intelligence apparatus would you reconsider placing your trust in the body of intelligence that 'supposedly' has our best interests at heart?
What if a member of that intelligence community, present during the assassination of JFK(circumstantial evidence here) became the president? Would that president be more likely or less likely to allow the department of justice to investigate the assassination coordinated and facilitated by their own hands? Not very likely, at all.

If Bush Sr. did the JFK assassination, or took part, then is it any further in belief for his son Bush Jr. to plan and execute 9/11? Like father like Son?

Look into the Bush Crime Family. One of the biggest unknown facts about these characters surrounds their father/grandfather Prescott Bush, who was convicted of aiding the NAZI war effort through his service and employment at UBC(Union Banking Corporation) which serviced the NAZI war-engine by handling Thyssen's U.S. interests. Thyssen made steel. Thyssen owned UBC and Prescott Bush was a key member in its administration. Supplying financial and business administration to the Nazi War-Macine before, DURING, and AFTER WWII.

UBC and its U.S. holdings were seized under the Trading with the enemy act. Yet Prescott Bush was given his share of the company after its dissolution. A couple million dollars, back in 1950s, mind you. Prescott and his lineage directly benefited monetarily from traitorous and treasonous acts. Department of Justice has always been a cover for America's shadowy, but not so hidden, oligarchy. Click here for more information on the Bush Crime Family

I will fast-forward a bit to when Bush Sr. became the director of CIA after almost no record of him ever working for the CIA. From nothing and no association to Director?! CIA has shadowy internal workings and JFK pushed too much light into their small corner of the darkness, and by doing so, revealed more shadowy characters, such as the Federal Reserve and secret links to communist countries. Both taken individually and in tandem set into motion the destabilization of the U.S. political landscape, whereby the groups endangered by the light of truth, collected their resources and removed the head of the country. Shot it almost completely off.

The CIA operates in the shadows and if I can be absolutely clear; There is no more room for shadows on this bright and luminous planet. Secrecy and its cohorts must be done away with just like a mildewy wash rag that makes everything it touches smell like the devil's asshole. The CIA, and ALL intelligence services, must step into the light or be left behind in the annuals of history under the section heading; "Once we were stupid!" This monicker should brazen every Bad, and Good, deed ever done under the skulking shadows of official secrecy.

Secrecy is indeed Repugnant in a Free and Open society. It is this secrecy that provides secluded but fertile ground where Terrorism can be birthed into existence leveraging the prejudice of one group to dehumanize another, then after the "enemy" is defined, use these same shadows to set into motion, pricking and prodding unstable minds, a series of terror events that will secure the chaos these shadowy figures call home.

It is chaos that provokes the carnal desire for command and control. "The Sky is Falling," types are more than willing to give their liberty away for the blue pill of security. Ignorance and security are bedfellows. There is no way to be perfectly secure, although the shadowy figures proclaim the opposite, lauding their importance through the spin cycle of Mainstream Media, spun-dry-of-any-worth. From the tranquil corridors within the darkest hearts the evil that pervades our world goes unaddressed, unabated, and remains untouchable.

Secrecy is the mother of terror. And that bitch is a mother fuckin hoe! She has babies with any low-life looking to make a cheap and easy buck off the death and dismemberment of Freedom!

In summation I will define two terms:
Surprise- a willful act of dishonesty for the betterment of another or group.
Secrecy- a willful act of deceit for the betterment of one person/group over another.

Repeating the past is an unavoidable melodrama we all take part in, as individuals, groups, and as a human species. Those who do not learn from their past are doomed to repeat the same lessons, over and over again.

This is presented here for discussion and the details herein should not be construed as an indictment towards any of those named, their associates, and/or partners. What is presented herein is for discussion and should not be construed as an attack towards any person, group, or society. That being said, "Fuck Secret Societies!" , "Fuck Secret Oathes!" , "Fuck Traitors to Freedom!"

Stand Up Your Country Needs You!


Perhaps this is interesting to some who've made it this far... My son was watching a movie on Netflix while I was composing this blog. I posted and went in the living room to watch tv with my son. It took 3 seconds to walk from one room to another. I posted, walked, then sat down in probably less than 8 seconds. By the time I sat down the quality of Netflix video turned into potato cam. Pixelated and blurry. Hmmm... Stayed like this until I turned off Netflix and streamed a movie from another device. NO ISSUES. Hmm... I am a complete nobody, who, and what, was creating the seemingly random patch of distortion?
Algorithmia- the feeling of complete isolation when using media-controlled "smart"-programmed machines.

Incidentally, once(if) this wall gets built America will change her name to Algorithmia.

Wow greate article!
You just got a 8.95% upvote from @postdoctor!
Thanks for using the @postdoctor service!

This comment has received a 16.31 % upvote from @sleeplesswhale thanks to: @gsusgod.

If you were on metube this would be demonetized for sure!
Yay for steemit and freedom of expression!! Joy

Thank you for reading and replying!

This post has received a 2.53% upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @gsusgod.

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