Five minute free write.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Today's free write prompt word is Cane.

Cane had a brother Abel
Though I think it is spelt Cain,
In Genesis it's said they were
The sons of Adam and Eve.

They harboured quite a rivalry
Each strived to please their god,
But God he favoured Abel
Which left Cain rather peeved.


The jealousy ate at him
Rejected by is lord,
Who regarded Abel's gifts
A superior sacrifice.

The rivalry between them
Got slightly out of hand,
Slane his own kin brother
No greater sacrificial price.


Their God was far from pleased
Cain had killed his favourite boy,
So he banished second bestie
To wander without joy.

Check out the daily free write.


it is a bad advertising for God to have favored one child over the other... Glad that you are writing with us!!

This story always angered me when I was younger. How Cain let jealousy overcome the love he should have had for his brother made me sick. Also, I've never thought that siblings should be compared to each other. I liked the illustrations that you made for this as well!

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Great illustrations, it's always good the read a story from the Bible. Glad to see you're back. Enjoyed this visit.

Great writing, GBM:) The story of Cain and Abel is meant to be a warning against jealousy and envy but I guess the flip-side is a warning to parents to love all their children equal.

Again, this was very entertaining and very well written:) Hope you are feeling well and enjoying the autumn days down under:)

Nice freewrite! I love the art, too. I always felt sad reading this as a child.

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