You should write something. I'm not in the mood. You should write anyway. Alright then: Some Days are Full of Slippery Duck Shit on a Sidewalk

in #writing6 years ago

Fungus. Moss. Lichens. We’ve covered all those. Those are easy finds. They even come with little sayings like “the fungus among us,” like little catch phrases. We’ve eyeballed them. We’ve smelled them. We’ve documented them. I thought they’d be harder to find, but they are on every dead piece of wood, and nestled down by every damp pile of leaves, on every forest floor. Today’s task was sure to be even easier.


The boy and the tot set out on this week’s nature curriculum at the local park. The park hosts our weekly visited pine tree, which in turn hosts our moss. The park also hosted our fungus and lichens. No doubt it would host our birds.

We haven’t had the best of days. Or, rather, I’ve had a bad day. My mind looks something like this:


I’m anxious. I don’t do well in short days. Normal people get seasonal depression. Then there is me, the host of seasonal anxiety. Technically I am a host of year-round anxiety, but the seasonal variety is especially festive. It is bursting with Christmas light pretties of the anxiety variety, which in case you hadn’t already surmised, aren’t fun to look at.

So anyway, I wasn’t having the best of days. I yelled at the boy during math. How many times can a child drop a pencil, by accident? Patience is a virtue. Sometimes I am virtuous. Sometimes I am not. I felt guilty about this. Sometimes I suck at life.

But that’s alright! Because we were headed out to the park in the fresh cold air to do something that we enjoy ever week! We would find winter birds, discuss how their feathers and a layer of oil keep them warm from the imaginary snow, and how hard it is to find food in the imaginary snow and ice. We would put on our coats, and bring the gloves just for kicks. We would pack our nature journals, and that bag of expensive colored pencils, and not forget our bird field guild. We were sure to find lots of birds!


Where in the hell the birds went, I don’t know. We are in the south, birds are supposed to come here. We are the safe haven of many a weary northern bird seeking refuge after its migration. Florida is the equivalent of a stable for the weary travelers, if religious references are your thing.

There were no cute little wrens or pretty cardinals. Not a feisty crow. Not a sharp-eyed hawk. Not even a noisy seagull.

We walked through the woods, Old Man Dog jerking me along. The boy stumbled over cypress knees. The tot fussed about one thing or another. I was growing grouchy. We pushed our way through poky palmettoes and trippy thorn vines, and then we spotted them: the most pathetic excuse for a wild bird we could find.


Ducks. A troop of them, living together, like they had established their own little government. The goose acted as leader, garnering human attention with a honk. Give us food. Give us food. Then there were some white Muscovys. They looked a bit like the muscle, in case there was any trouble. Lastly, a group of three mallards, aka the high society - flashy and handsome, politely waiting, never ones to lower themselves by begging but glad to partake should bread hit the water.


The boy tossed a stick into the water. The goose tried to eat it. Soon recognizing the insult, he turned his tail feathers up at us, and the gang swam on.

Oh well. Some days are full of soaring bald eagles and the brilliance of a blue jay; some days are full of slippery duck shit on a sidewalk.


That's me inside that December bubble. January, are you here yet?

Come on January, bring me some more sunlight.


Sometimes a bad day is just a bad day. Walking through duck shit is a big yuck for me! Sending happy greeting from a very hot sticky Sunshine Coast ginnyannette. Hope that helps.

Thank you, it does help. Ah the seasons, and life, such an up and down ride.

I just want this year to end already! I'm starting to have seasonal angryness... is a thing, don't google it but is a thing...

I'm sure it is. It is a stressful time of year.

One of those feisty crows just about took my head off this morning as I walked to work. Divebombed me for my coffee, probably. Damn northern birds, don't have the sense to fly south.

January is just around the corner, btw. I just checked. It's there.

Crows are my favorites. They have that look in their eyes of high intelligence, but still that crazy bird look of unpredictability. If only I had brought coffee with me to the park.

Nine days until the return of the sun. I have a solstice party every year with a bonfire - I've got to simulate some of that lost light.

Howdy ginnyannette! that is so strange that they birds were no where to be found! I almost don't think of ducks as birds. Last night when I took Jack out we were walking around down by the pond and I shown my spotlight on an owl that was just sitting in the grass watching us. Jack froze and stared back, he didn't know what to make of it. Finally it jumped up and flew off, then Jack wanted to chase it. anyway, that was a bird.
Hey that bubble looks like one of those glass globe things, you can't be in there!

How nice! It sounds like you live in a pretty isolated area. I love owls. They are probably my favorite birds, followed by crows. Maybe it is because they are so elusive, or maybe because they are so strange looking. I hear them every so often here, but rarely see them. I imagine Big Dog would have the same reaction. It must have been cute to see Jack just watching.

My kids passed by that snow globe and I was trying to decline going in it, but they talked me into it. The thing is pretty creepy, as it seems a bit precarious to keep it inflated. There are multiple zipper doors that have to be opened and closed at just the right times.

we live on a nice 15 acres that are totally private with a private driveway so no one knows what's down the drive from the county road. Really love the privacy. We hear the owls all the time but don't see them often. Hawks and vultures we see everyday. The Vultures are ugly and creepy.

I didn't know that had those blow up globe things! ha! you were forced into it. lol.

That's nice. When we are older, and my husband doesnt have to drive to work, we'd like to be a bit farther out too.

there's still plenty of places to live out in the country in Florida? I'd think that place could only hold so many Northerners and all the good property would be bought up!

Ha, right? How many more northerners can we take in?!

Actually, a large percentage of the northerners are in south Florida, which is good for me. South Florida is a terrible place to live. It is the land of no seasons and lots, and lots of cement.

Anyway, it is still pretty spacious out here, if you get away from the cities.

Hey your area sounds fine but are they pushing their way up from South Florida? That's a creepy thought. lol.

Not so far. Keeping fingers crossed.

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