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RE: The Rat Parade

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Their intelligence is really interesting...and really creepy when they are wild. I have mixed emotions. Thinking about them in my attic they are villains, but then I think about how they are just animals, like a squirrel - which is cute; or a raccoon - beautiful. And then I remember they are rats. shiver :)


I live in the woods on the river and raccoons are my nemesis! They show up at night in packs and they can do so much damage in a very short time. They come up onto my deck and knock things over and break flower pots. I go out in the morning to dirt spilled all over and plants everywhere. When they manage to get up on the roof they sound like a herd of elephants, and will wake me up out of a sound sleep. I have tried every trick in the book to keep them out of the bird feeder but they always find a way, it wouldn't be so bad if they would just eat the dumb bird seed, but they always have to destroy something in the process.

Interesting. I live with woods around me partially, but I rarely see them. Those guys have a unique ability to be eerie too. Something about that hunched over way they walk. I am probably even more scared of them in person than rats :)

I have Chipmunks all over the place. My daughter has hand fed them for so long that many of them are far to tame to the point that you have to actually watch where you're walking so you don't step on one. She adores them as much as she does her rats, and has names for many of them and can tell them apart. When she comes to my house I swear they recognize the sound of her car and come running!

My favorite stuffed animals were Chip and Dale when I was a child. I like your daughter already, I want to be introduced to her chipmunks :) We don't have them here.

I'm always surprised by what animals can learn. I don't put anything passed them now. Our chicken coop is iron clad. I assume the raccoons and the likes have my very basic intelligence, minus all the fluffy unnecessary thoughts that bog me down. That is either a compliment to them, or an insult to myself...

🤣🤣 My grandkids all love to come over and sit on the back steps with their aunt Alli so that they can pet her Chipmunks. Really, they are just rats with furry tails! She would be delighted to introduce all her critters to you!

That furry tail makes all the difference - rats are cuddly and cute with furry tails :D

I agree!, although my daughter's rats live in a 3-story cage with ramps and tunnels and once a day she puts a small tote full of dirt with grass growing in it in there for them to play in and dig, and she gives them a shallow pool with brightly colored rocks on the bottom and they love diving to get the rocks and bring them up the ramp and hide them in their blankets upstairs. She has a mirror that she puts in there there for them occasionally and they're quite fascinated with their own reflections. She has an area fenced-off in her living room where she can sit on the floor and do her homework for the classes that she's taking and the rats can be in there with her climbing all over her and her homework. She does have way too much fun with them! Her husband tends to think she's a little crazy but then I see him walking around with one of them crawling around on his shoulder so I think he might enjoy them a little bit!

That's wild. You are making me feel less disgusted by my rats.

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