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RE: June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hacks - Day Two: The "2 Minutes" Time Management Rule

in #writing6 years ago

Looking after the grandchildren today so don't have time to write a full post but the life hack that popped into my head when i read yours was to work in 45 minute segments and then take 15 minutes off.

If you're working at the computer that means you need to get up and do some thing that involves movement for 15 minutes.

When I do this I find I'm super productive and, of course, it's much better for my body. 😊


work in 45 minute segments and then take 15 minutes off.

That's a very good one, actually. I work in long strings at the computer and although I work mainly from coffee shops, I do need to het out more often. Will definitely keep that in mind. On the same note, I recommend Pomodoro, a productivity technique similar to this one. I may write about it in a future post :)

I find it works especially well when I work at home @dragosroua because in the 15 minute breaks I can get some chores done that I normally put off. Doing things in fifteen minute blocks is more bearable for cleaning etc. 😁

It's one of those things though, that although I know it works really well for me I more often fall into the trap of getting caught up on the computer and not moving for hours. I need to set the alarm on my phone again. That's the best way.

I should get plenty of exercise to day though, running around after the kids. 😁

That's how I get the washing up done @gillianpearce. Somehow it doesn't seem such a chore pushed into the 15 minute gap between the other things you want to do.

I agree @shanibeer. I can get a lot of chores done this way much less painlessly that usual. 😁

Good. I will try working in 45minutes segment and use 15 minutes for household chores. Thanks.

You are very welcome @amelin. Give it a go and let me know how you get on. 😊

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