"Sheeple" - A Conundrum

in #writing7 years ago

I’ve seen from time to time that Preppers and others that are typically awake, call those that don’t ‘Prep’ “Sheep”. I’ve seen that some Preppers don’t like other Preppers calling others “sheep”. But I believe in calling something for what it is, so here is what I think a “sheep” is, what they are and what we that are able to recognise this degenerative condition should do be doing about it.


“Sheeple”, also known as “sheep”, “the blind”, “asleep”, “the walking dead” or just plain “zombies”. Is referencing a degenerative condition that a lot of humans around the globe are being trapped into, often without their knowledge and without the proper physical, mental ability to get themselves out of this state once in it.

Sheeple suffer from a kind of ‘locked in’ syndrome and are unable to function without being told what to do, this then governs their activities and leaves them with a sense of being ‘lost’ or of being without direction and focus when not being told what to do and this is why there is a constant bombardment from all angles telling them this, so they are constantly pre-occupied. An active sheep is a sheep that is alive and a dead sheep can’t be taxed.

They enjoy being governed and do not actively seek independence. In fact when the sheep is so hopelessly surrounded and comforted and supported by a system they did not consent to, their response should the system be threatened is to defend it. They then become their worst enemy and are doing the job of their enslavers for them, acting as their own jailer/guard/torturer, their masters do not need to employ or spend any resources to maintain their enslavement. It is a system simple in it’s complexity and in a twisted way genius, but it’s implementation and existence pure evil. Thus therefore the sheep helps to secure and maintain their ultimate demise once the very fragile mechanisms propping up this system are destroyed. And destroyed they shall be.

They obey all instruction given to them and are increasingly threatened with consequences should they not comply and the framework supporting and backing up these threats is ’Statute’ and corporate ‘law’ which has no real basis in laws of the lands they are unlawfully applied in, subverting the traditional and often long fought for true laws and constitutions of the lands they unlawfully are applied in. Yet they’ll obey these fictions because they’ve been conditioned to do so and will remind others that they must comply also. The feelings of uncomfortableness and youthful questioning entirely suppressed over time and repetition and degradation, their independence and ability to think critically completely buried under layers of conditioning so that without question they truly believe what they are doing, no matter how much it infringes upon their long forgotten unalienable rights, seems normal, expected and right. How often have those of us awake heard the words “it’s the law!” yet when the sheep is asked as to which law they are referring, they are 100% of the time unable to direct any questioning mind to the correct law they are referring. This is just one example but when questioning anything the sheep believes is reality after only being told that it is, you will find that the sheep is unable to direct a independent critical and analytical mind to the answers they are asking the sheep for because there is nothing to back up the sheep’s claims and when pushed further the sheep’s default response is one of anger and frustration and they will actively then attack the one asking the questions, often with pre-prepared terms such as “conspiracy theorist” which is a term invented to shutdown and insult those that ask questions and think critically and analytically.

They have forsaken completely their inalienable rights and in fact when asked are not even able to state what their own natural born rights are. They do not seek out what the true laws of the land they inhabit are, nor are they interested in hearing anything other than that which is broadcasted to them via ‘official’ channels. They are a selfish, entitled and expectant creatures that have no thought, regard or respect for their countrymen that have fell before them, those that had the bravery and fight in them that they no longer possess, those that bled, fought and died to ensure they at least had a chance for freedom have been long forgotten by the sheep. The sheep has neither the mental or physical prowess anymore to be able to even consider lifting a finger if they were called up to ensure that the generation(s) after them continue to enjoy the rights hard fought to be recognised in established law, documents and constitutions. They have given up their countries culture, history, traditions and bloodlines and history will forever condemn them as cowards for doing so.

Sheeple are completely ignorant to the world around them, both locally, nationally and internationally except for their own bubble. They actively seek better paid jobs with higher wages so that their masters can reap the benefit of their physical labour by taxing them more heavily and giving them ever more disgusting ways of keeping their minds constantly occupied, yet the sheeple are perfectly happy with this and consider it the 'Norm'. Sheeple do not seek to claim their lives for themselves nor do they seek to enrich their so called lives by doing something more physically, mentally and spiritually nourishing and the rewards that come from bettering oneself.

They believe the government is a body elected by the people and for the people and that they had a say in their government and who represents them by ‘voting’. They truly believe that they are represented and trust what those tasked to ‘represent’ them say and believe that what they are told is for their own good, really is for their own good. They are unable to grasp the reality that if their vote truly had power behind it, they would not be allowed to vote. They believe that by paying taxes they are actively contributing to society and the government will use their taxes to the best of their ability to improve their life and invest in their nations infrastructure and security and in ways that the sheep will see in their day to day existence, in whatever small way that may be and that the country and themselves are in good hands because they believe the government will be there when they need them in good times and in bad times and will never have to worry about their own personal security and of that of their friends, family and loved ones because they, they elected and voted for their representatives and those people they can trust and they do trust with their lives because those elected officials CAN be trusted. Right?

Sheeple go by names given to them at birth. They will call themselves a ‘person’ and answer to a name they did not choose. They represent their person at all times and gladly hand over their details to anyone that asks for them, they have been told and in fact believe they have nothing to hide, so why be afraid? Long have they forgotten that they and all of us do have something to hide, our PRIVACY! They believe that the justice system in their native land is fair and should they themselves find they are in the position of going through the ‘legal’ system that they will have a fair trial and their ‘legal’ rights will be respected at all times and should they suffer some punishment, incarceration or other injustice that they will either have deserved it or be compensated and have the right to appeal the injustice and obtain the correct remedy and that that remedy will be forthcoming because they are innocent UNTIL proven guilty, right? They have faith in the system even if it lets them down, they accept that things can and do go wrong but their faith in the system and the system itself will prevail. They have neither the inclination, interest and realisation that a legal system is not there to represent them, it is there to punish them in ever frequently changing and invasive ways.

Sheeple will also never argue against fines, asset seizures, and other forfeitures even though long established laws in their own nation protect them from such actions if committed unfairly and unlawfully. Sheeple indeed, have an obsession with the legal statutes they are bound by, they will go to all lengths to ensure that they are not caught out and pay all ‘fines’ and ‘forfeitures’ if they break the ‘law’, as a legal and faithful citizen they accept the punishment the nice fancy dressed fluorescent costumed individuals give them if they stay too long in a car parking spot, it was entirely their fault after all. If they discover others may be considering any activity which contravenes their statutes they are very quick to point out that any person doing so would be a very bad person indeed and that they need to adhere to and obey or it has ramifications that may affect them too. How often have you heard the line “So you are why my taxes are so high!?”.

So they not only are trapped by fictions but also trap others in the fictions too, creating a very simple and insidious and evil circle of enslavement. Enslaved sheep (A) gives birth to Sheep (B) and teaches sheep (B) all that they need to ‘obey’. Sheep (B) then gives birth to Sheep (C) and on and on. As time goes by they are removed further and further away from reality.

The sheeple position is not entirely without merit if you are able to look at things from their perspective, most sheeple will consider that they have lived long and fruitful lives and that their 50-60 years of work have paid off, they will have laboured all that time and paid into a mortgage and have a vehicle in the driveway they think is theirs, food on the table and many possessions and luxuries they have been granted by spending the wage they received and turning it into all the modern conveniences they consider they require to live comfortably and that helps support them, their family and ones they cherish. They will however gladly spend hours in their homes not engaging in any form of social activity even when surrounded by family and friends and not engage with them at all once the brightly illuminated hypnosis device is turned on. The sheep enjoys company, yet in a room full of people will be completely alone, surrounded by wolves.

A lot of sheeple's ideas revolve around the fact that they are told constantly from all angles and sides what to do, what to buy and what they should be spending their wages on, in taxes and ‘must have’ necessities. They believe as a good contributing member of society it is merely their duty to hand over without question the portion of the fruits of their labour when demanded. So they may have to not buy as much food as they may have liked or turn their heating up in winter as high as would make them comfortable because their taxes increase faster than their wages and they have not the ability to ask why? The sheep lives pay check to pay check and has not even the ability to consider that there surely must be a better way to live. They are trapped and will often state dreams they have, yet as the years go by the same dream exists and is vocalised, yet the sheep has done nothing to very little to help themselves.

Sheeple are typically members of groups which have similar interests and the activities they engage in are usually ones which demand the least amount of thought and physical exertion, but which to the sheep thinks or believes appears to offer the chance of a great ‘reward’. They no longer seek out activities that involve any sort of light, moderate or heavy social interaction or physical or mental exertion because they are not physically or mentally equipped to complete these challenging activities. It would only frustrate the sheep immensely should they attempt and so, they do not attempt such things anymore.

Sheeple will accept all of the above because they have one persona and they are responsible for this persona and accept all good or bad that comes it’s way, when they pro-create they then pass on their beliefs to their kin and teach them (or not) how to fit into ‘society’ and be a good sheep and be just like them, so their children can too have all this that they hold so dear, their house, their TV, their lovely colourful magazines, they'll teach young persons the importance of paying their taxes just like they did and how far and happy this has got them in their life. Because they are happy and content, right?

The big area sheeple do not question is anything which erodes or intrudes into their privacy, they believe any measures that infringe on their own privacy are justified and the reasons for it’s implementation will be completely open and transparent and that it helps with their freedom and security because the nice government is telling them they are there and elected to look after the sheep and that any infringement is simply a necessary evil and that the balance between freedom and security has to be maintained, even if it's balanced more towards security that strips them of some freedoms bit by bit over time, but that’s ok, right? Why would a prisoner born in a prison mind if there is just one more hoop to jump through everyday? This is a sacrifice that is completely understandable to the sheep. The sheeple will not mind that there are cameras looking at them in the street, on the bus, in the shops, those camera's are there for their protection and they have as the law abiding sheep nothing to worry about, right? They pay for items in shops using the very convenient and cashless debit card transaction, the sheep welcomes anything which makes them have to use less and less thought and physical hardship and that which is certainly a lot more convenient. Why wait for someone to man a shops service till, when the sheep can do their job for them and pay without even handing over any paper or coin? The sheep is not interested in the contact, conversation and good traditional interactions that shops provide and is merely interested in what they want being available and to exit with their goods without even glancing or acknowledging any other sheep around them, doing exactly what they are doing. They will also and welcome measures that makes this process even more less socially interactive because they must work, harder, faster for less.

The sheep is a very interesting creature and they are high in numbers. At times when you encounter the sheep you may not understand and think their ways are strange, this is because they are! However the sheep is a flesh and blood animal like ourselves, they are unfortunately not themselves and are fast asleep, sleep walking through a constructed prison they helped to create, enforce and maintain. They coral themselves into them willingly, but it’s up to us to break them out. They must be held by the hand and guided into a state of awareness about the environment around them, why things are as they are, who is responsible for deceiving them and how to take back control. Of course you will find that some sheep are extremely content to be in such a state of ignorance, ignorance is bliss after all, right?

However you will find that there are some that are in-between states and with some gentle guidance and support they can be brought around and be guided back into the real world and take back all that they have lost, you must not pity the sheeple you must help them and guide them as they awake out of the very nightmare they've been living all their lives in. The sheep should be supported through all stages of their awakening and you must show them the value of looking at things critically and objectively, show them to take a step back and ask questions when they have doubt, give them the understanding they'll need as they awake and begin to realise that they are in fact not sheep but our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters that we want to them to survive and live through what is coming, but that in order to do so they must put aside all that they thought was real, at times they will be verbally or even physically abusive in their actions as they begin to fight against their conditioning and realise their place, their real role as the chains they are bound by slowly diminish, break and fall to the ground. Give them the information they require, show them that there are multiple opinions and thoughts and awaken within them that independent, critical and analytical thought that has lied for too long dormant inside them.

They'll look at you at some point and you'll know for sure that they have awoken, like a sleeping giant they will once again stand amongst those that want, life, liberty and property and take all the actions necessary to defend it. We must wake as many as possible so that when the time comes and believe me the time is far nearer than you may think. That those that once were sheep will stand with you as free individuals ready to take down and say “NO” to those that want to enslave us physically and mentally for all time.

This task is not an easy one and it started yesterday, slowly introduce the sheep to their rights, allow them to process and consider that there are alternatives, better ways and understand yourself as you take on this challenge and important role that this is not an overnight process, it will take time.

Be safe and prepared
Geordie Prepper

Tyne Bridge Footer.jpg


I see Sheeple every day... I've given up convincing, arguing or trying to convert them....
As far as i am concerned.... They are on their own.
Great article man.

Thanks man, yeah I use it too and I see no problem at all in doing so when they act in the ways they do.

Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!

I think that about covers it. Great work!

Thanks man :-) be safe and prepared.

I am NO Sheeple thank goodness. LOL

I'm very glad you are not :)

I think more Sheeple know what they are deep down.

Yeah I think they do, it's just I find their lack of will to do anything about it cowardly.

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