Writing for Medicinal Purposes

in #writing7 years ago

I write for medicinal purposes.

Writing is a drug. Not a bad drug. It's more like an antidepressant— with magical powers. When taken daily, I feel good about myself. The people close to me find me more pleasant to be around.

I’m better looking after I’ve written. I can see it in the bathroom mirror, or the reflection of a storefront window.

When I write daily, life is easier. My checking account doesn’t seem as empty. Food is more delicious (noticeable through the yummy noises I make with each bite). Picking up dog poop in the back yard isn't so bad. Diapers get changed with a big smile instead of a grimace. Blue sky or thunderstorm, full moon or pitch black, I’m always looking up. Looking forward.

But if I lapse in my writing time, skip a day or a week, I sink into a hole of self-loathing and general grumpiness. I'm fat, poor, and old. I want to hide from the world.

I don't have to write. It's a choice. I don't have to get on the treadmill everyday. I don't have to eat foods low in saturated fats or take my omega 3 supplements. I don't have to get out of bed in the morning. Every day I have a choice. Who do I choose to be?
I choose to be good looking. I choose to have the people around me want to stick around. I choose to be a good husband, father, son, uncle, in-law, brother, friend, WRITER.

So I must put forth the effort, and take my medicine.


Hi @gashepard I too write for medicinal purposes and I wholly support you while you do!
You're so right, we can choose who we want to be so long as we put the effort into it.
I'm happy to hear you're choosing to write and give yourself the healing and introspection that comes with it for you :)
All the best, write on!

I'm glad to hear that there are other's out there.
Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot.

Hey, no problem! I 100% understand where you're coming from and am more than happy to support you. When I don't write for a while I get kind of antsy and irritable :) Best of luck, keep writing :)

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