Dress To Your Fantasy

in #writing8 years ago

Future city, the new tech circle name for san francisco is known for pushing the boundaries in all aspects of society.

The adventurous minds and or roll the dice investors of this network elaborate city are in actuality the Tony Starks and possibly Lex Luthors of the world. Governments change laws to adapt to tech’s collective imaginative force and the culture of some brands become sudo religions on their own.

A walk around san francisco would have you question the label of future city. It’s a visual bore of branded t-shirts and unimaginative presentation.

I am guilty of being a t-shirt whore in the past, I’d gladly pony up my masculine torso to any start-up offering pizza and beer. Walking around in a firebase t-shirt is a good random conversation starter and for as long as I wore my Gamerholic shirt, I was branded as the Gamerholic guy to folks who didn’t know my name.

My perspective changed one day on 4th and mission. I crossed the street, eyes amazed at a 6'8 -ish man, of that 8 inch high heels, clothed in white with floral designed sleeves, boy George make up and a wand. His apparent long legs stepped in exact stride, shoulders perked back in feminine confidence and his eyes pointed downward upon his us, his minions. From his high view, the rest of the world is unaware of the high that degree of confidence brings. Either he was thrift store cool or a brand I’m not cool enough to know off… cool.

I couldn’t help but say, “that is beautiful!”. It was a shattering break of my patterned san francisco view of startup t-shirt, or go with the flow casual presentation. It encouraged my imagination and raised the bar of my own personal confidence requirement.

Am I Confident enough to dress to my fantasy?

In my best of fantasies, I imagine I come from a line of african royalty. I imagine my great, great, great grandfather(s) at their possible best and my great, great, great grandmothers at their possible best. I imagine they were active traders and inventors, crafty warriors and wise at old age. As their son, how should I dress?

My fantasy of the moment could be “Anari” the son of Kaleb from planet zoron. Would I have the confidence to dress to that fantasy?

We knew kids who would dress to their fantasy as youths, often he or she was gay or lesbian or would get the label.

In my latest experiment of dress to your fantasy, I challenge the false sense of masculine security wearing bland clothes encourages.

No man enters this world without a woman. Equally, men have traits and qualities of his mother. An embrace of the feminine side is your source of humility.

Women have the burden of putting on a pretty face, regardless their internal experiences and that gives them a degree of empathy men must be humble to experience.

I’m not saying go full Kanye West with a skirt or Jaden Smith with a Dress, but you can challenge your imagination.

Among the biggest benefactors of the “Dress to your fantasy” experience, are the glued eyes of kids. You can see flares and sparks around their heads as their imaginative boundaries expand in real time.

I met a lovely woman in oakland who dresses as though she imagines herself to be from a future city ruled by wise women. She’s Janelle Monae in confidence with autie Badu as her reference of woman. Her daughter’s imagination seems multiple that of hers. At her young age, she’s the queen of her own future city and no one can tell her different. The obvious effect of a dress to your fantasy home.

Part of the experience has also been socially obvious, cops seem clueless about what variation of black guy I am and it seems they can’t help but be courteous.

Walking around Oakland and some parts of SF, I’m not sure yet if the pant sagging brothers are giving me the “I didn’t know black men could dress like that” look, or the “you look rob-able” look, either way it seems they notice a new option of distinguished self presentation.


this is a very nice idea and post.

dress to your phantasies

  • or at least don't frown upon others 'fantasies' about themselves.

i don't think it will get enough exposure, because of the category 'writing'
You should have picked better tags.

thanks, what other tags do you suggest?

trending topics, that could be a better match:

  • life
  • art

It's not trending yet, but

  • lifestyle
  • fashion

... just as an idea - I'm not sure either :)

tags are for categories, I added art and life

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