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RE: Reading one of the grimmest things...

in #writing6 years ago

It was a nice little surprise to come home to last night. I mean, the fact I know the author and all. I actually met Raymond E Feist once which was very cool. He signed my book too...Just like you're going to.

Reading....Yea HD, it's pretty cool and I always say if a person doesn't like reading they haven't found the right books yet. Anyway, whether other's read or not it's been a great companion to me over the years.

I'l certainly let you know what I think of it, and thanks for the resteem. I'm officially on your blog... :)


I don't know about the right's just so many seem to forget, you know, like life just sweeps them away and they don't have time or something. Weird fucking people.

I'm definitely signing that book, I promised, didn't I? ;)

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