Depend On You

in #writing6 years ago

Someone else's legs do you no good in traveling.
African Proverb

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Who do you depend on your everyday life. I'm not talking about when you get in serious trouble here, but I'm talking about setbacks and difficulties that come your way. What do you do when such things happen. Do you have someone sorting things out for you, or you do them on your own.

Do you run to your dad or mum whenever there's a problem in school? Do you run to your friends for help when in every little trouble? Do you run to your pastor when there's a little problem in your marriage? Do you make an attempt to solve issues, or you always give it to someone to deal with your issues?

When will you take charge of your life? When will you "man up" and deal with your own troubles. Whoever is helping you out won't be there to save you forever. When are you going to take the reigns and decide to do things for yourself? When are you going to take on the responsibilities of life?

We all the there are issues and circumstances that you might need external help, but it's often a nuisance if you are always calling for help. You always seem to be in some kind of trouble and need someone to bail you out. How would you feel if you are always being called to solve other people issues.

Don't go into 2019 with that attitude. From today, tell yourself you can handle your own troubles and start handling them. In no time, you won't need the help of people in everything except in emergencies. It's good to have dependable people around you, but don't abuse that and be lazy.

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