I’ve got some goodies for you - Nightblade edit and more

in #writing8 years ago

Hey there Rebel,

I hope you had a good Halloween. My family went out trick-or-treating in Oregon. The kids had a blast, even though it was colder than any Halloween in Los Angeles.

Today’s email comes to you in two parts.


In the spirit of Trick or Treat, I’ve got some goodies for you!

If you’re in the Facebook group, (hint hint), you’ll have heard of some of these already.

First of all, MAPS!

I’ve finally created several maps of Underrealm and made them available for you to use while reading. At some point these will be coming to print books, but a lot of them need to be fleshed out first.

You can find maps of Underrealm here.

That page will be updated periodically. Bookmark it.

Second of all, WALLPAPERS!

Every Underrealm book is getting new covers. There are also covers waiting for books you haven’t yet seen.

The new artwork is fantastic. It’s what I’ve always wanted my covers to be: fully illustrated by incredible artists who will be big names one day.

All the new art is available as wallpapers for your desktop computer or phone.

You can find all current Underrealm wallpapers here.


This section is a little longer, and a little harder.

I’m taking a short reprieve from writing.

Well, “reprieve” is the wrong word. I’m going to be editing, instead of writing a NEW Underrealm book.

I’ve discovered that in my earlier Underrealm books—everything from Nightblade to The Alchemist’s Touch—there are very, very, bad, bad, no-good mistakes in my books.

Seriously. It’s bad.

I don’t want to go into details. But it turns out that a former editor missed many of my own typos, but also introduced new ones.

And sometimes not just typos, but really bad errors in grammar, story, or details.

We’re talking wrong character names, and rewriting sentences so that they mean the exact opposite of what I wrote.

There’s a laundry list of atrocious errors, which gets longer the more I look into it. And there’s thousands of these things per book.

And it was done secretly, so that I never knew the changes were made.

(I’m not thrilled, as you can imagine.)

Anyway, I’ve only really become aware of the extent of this stuff in recent weeks. So I’ve called a halt to NEW writing until I sort my EXISTING books out.

Because really—I’d be a douche to keep pushing sales of my books when I know there’s huge, massive errors in them.

So for the next few weeks at least, you won’t be hearing about new books from me. However, you might get emails about the re-release of existing books.

When you see that, you’ll know that I’ve fully re-edited the book, and it’s up to tip-top, perfect standards.

Each new, re-edited book will also be launched with a new cover.

And in fact, the first one is already done!

That’s right. Nightblade has been given the full treatment. I’ve gone through it again multiple times, fixing all the errors that were introduced by others.

I then had it edited by two professional editors who corrected all of my mistakes.

And that old cover is gone. The old covers are a bit like the old edits. They’re not ideal, and not what I wanted.

Ever notice how on the last cover, Loren looked like a 25-year-old supermodel instead of a 15-year-old forest girl?

Now it has this gorgeous new cover, fully illustrated, which is the first representation of Loren I’ve ever been really happy with.

Nightblade is the start of everything. It’s the first book of Underrealm, and it’s the book most people know me for.

And now, the book is finally what I always wanted it to be. Now I can put it out there with pride.

And on a related note …

I assume, if you’re here, that you already own the Nightblade ebook. But if you like print books, there’s now two gorgeous print editions: paperback and hardcover.

If you like print books, you can pick one up for yourself.

And the holidays are just around the corner. Know a fantasy reader? Get them a paperback.



(By the way—all our new re-edited print books are cheaper than anything we’ve had before).

So that’s what’s going to be happening for the next little while.

The next book you’ll hear about is Mystic, which is pretty close to being re-launched.


I’m definitely not forgetting about you guys while I’m gone.

I’m working on something really cool for you.

Because even after I fix my existing books, it’s going to take time to write and launch the next new ones.

And during that time, I want to keep you happy.

So keep an eye on your inbox. There’s a surprise coming, and I think you’re REALLY going to like it.

And until then …

Best Wishes,



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P.S. Oh man, you know how much I love it when you read my postscripts.

(Fun fact: I didn’t know P.S. stood for postscript until I was twenty-four years old).

I try to always put something amazingly cool in my postscripts for the people who read them.

But this week I put so much stuff in the email, I didn’t have any leftovers.

I’m going to make it up to you next time. Make sure you go all the way to the end next time you see one of my emails.




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