Why I write

in #writing6 years ago

"My point of departure is always partisanship against injustice (...) I write because there is a lie that I want to expose, something I want to draw attention to. And my initial concern is to get them to hear me (...) And looking back to what I have written so far, I see that when I have lacked a political purpose is invariably when I have written lifeless books and I have been betrayed by writing full pieces of fireworks, meaningless phrases, decorative adjectives and, in general, nonsense. " George Orwell



Eric Arthur Blair, better known by the name of George Orwell, in a short essay published in 1946 with the title "Why I write," distinguishes four great reasons to write, at least in prose. He points out that they exist to varying degrees in each writer and "... they fight against each other and ... they fluctuate from one person to another and from one time to another". These motives he called: 1) acute egoism, the desire to talk about one, to be remembered after death; 2) Aesthetic enthusiasm, the desire to perceive beauty in the external world or in words and their right combination; 3) Historical impulse, the desire to see things as they really are to find the true facts and save them for posterity; and 4) Political purpose, the desire to give the world a certain direction, to change the idea that others have about the society that they should strive to achieve.

The subjects that obey a political motive, the author argues, emerge in "tumultuous and revolutionary times", are determined by the time in which the writer lives and it is inevitable to write about them, although the influence of the other motives and the emotional attitude acquired before dedicating to write will not be present. Sentence that "... the more conscious one is of his own political tendency, the more likely he is to act politically without sacrificing his own aesthetic and intellectual integrity". Two extraordinary works of Orwell respond faithfully to these approaches, by expressing his position "against totalitarianism and in favor of democratic socialism": Rebellion on the Farm (1945), which fable the perversions of socialism, and the political novel of dystopian fiction 1984 (1949), in which he examines the perverse mechanisms of control and submission of citizens by a totalitarian regime.



Following with these Orwellian ideas, we can affirm that in this time of darkness that we live in Venezuela today we have enough reasons and reasons to write in a committed way with a political purpose. To continue denouncing and fighting, without fainting, the regime responsible for the terrible national tragedy that we suffer today. And, also, to share ideas or suggestions that contribute in some way to lay the foundations for moving a process of democratic change. There are many and diverse topics of great importance that in this matter we have at our disposal, very difficult to leave aside at the time of writing. Among them, above all, those that have to do with the urgent need to realize the long-awaited unity of democratic factors, the definition of the strategy to follow to try to fracture the dominant coalition and the demand and conquest of free elections, fair and transparent.

We know that when you make the decision to write about those issues, you have to be aware that this inevitably involves challenges and risks that are well worth taking for the noble cause we are fighting. A challenge to oneself, to overcome the apprehensions that we can hold to say what is of interest and importance for citizens and is in accordance with our convictions and principles. A challenge to others, so that they take a position or pronounce themselves on the topics that we address in our writings, or on other points that they consider relevant for the life of the country. Some risks to which we expose ourselves, as it happens now, for example, when the authoritarian regime brandishes its repressive sword and threatens to close the digital version of this newspaper.

These are challenges and risks that accompany those who today dare to write their own words of Edgar Morin: "I do not write from a tower that subtracts me from life but inside a whirlwind that involves me in my life and in life " (The method).


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