How To Prepare For Your Next Writer's Block.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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Being in that spot where nothing seems to work no matter how hard you try is something no one ever wishes for but life seems to enjoy dishing out these type of moments and thus they've become somewhat unavoidable or should I say inevitable.

Despite this being an "how-to", you should recognize that writing is an art and therefore there's more than one way to skin this cat. The process that eventually works for you might be entirely different from the one for me but the underlying concept shouldn't differ much. In my previous post, I shared with you how I was able to go through my most recent bout of writer's block and many of those who commented realized that the process is what really matters. I can't stress this enough. You should check it out.

Now that we have established that writer's block is both inevitable and dreaded, how do we make sure that we're adequately prepared for the next one? Maybe build a bunker to hide in? If only it was that easy!

It's A Thing Of The Mind


There's a reason why there's the phrase "creative mind"; the mind is like the HQ and whatever will prevent the creative juices from flowing must have first taken over your mind. So there's a need to constantly clear your mind of excess baggage whenever you experience writer's block. Keep that in mind for the next time 😊. So what are the things you go to clear your mind? You could:

  • take a walk
  • listen to music (my favorite)
  • go somewhere new
  • read a book

Write And Write


Whether you're experiencing writer's block or not, you have to keep writing. The period before the writer's block, when you've got your creative juice flowing, you need to constantly create stuff not because you need them at the moment but because you will eventually. The more content you create, the more stuff you'll have in store to pick from and to put out even when you can't create at the level you desire. This is maybe the number one way to adequately prepare for your next writer's block.

The difference between professional writers and amateurs is this: Both encounter blocks, but one pushes through while the other gets paralyzed.

It's really that simple. It's the process that's more important and your process will be very likely unique to you. Don't wait for any "right time" or when you feel inspired before you write because there'll never be a "right time". I know someone who created their Steemit account over a month ago and hasn't posted anything because they haven't found the "right thing to talk about." (Hello @ibukun 😊)


I'll leave you with this quote I found here while reading.

Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all.
–Charles Bukowski

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You are so right, writing is the only way out of that sticky place where you think you'll never get into the writing groove again. If you stop, surely that story, novel, article, blog post will never get written. And if you let it persist, oh, please don't even go there!! Great information!

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Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

This is great, i like the part where you said

‘The more content you create, the more stuff you'll have in store to pick from and to put out even when you can't create at the level you desire.'
Thanks so much

I'm glad you found it useful :)

thanks a lot for this boss, this is really helpful.

I appreciate you taking time out to read this.

Good points,

Nice post bro.... Gonna be helpful to many

great tips for us @fisteganos , this very important me,you are doing well ^_^

A useful post as I sometimes run into that dreaded block zone without any means of escaping it. I usually take time off to clear my head. Seems to work sometimes. Good post.

Truth! I have about twelve posts in various stages of completion on my laptop so no matter how blocked I am, all I need is to finish one. Sometimes, one proves unfinishable but has just what I needed to plug the holes in another.

The more content you create, the more stuff you'll have in store to pick from and to put out even when you can't create at the level you desire.

Writing yourself out of a writers block. I love that Bukowski quote at the end.

Reading a book, and listening to music have always been favorites for me.

Reading a book, and listening to music have always been favorites for me.

These are some of my favorites too! Music seems to help so well maybe because it takes your mind off the issues at hand.

Thanks for taking time out to share your thoughts.

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