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in #writing8 years ago

Hey friends! So so sorry for the late reply.

Man, you guys are using the time motif. That's fantastic and a great concept to use! I find your premise mysterious and intriguing. I really don't think I've read a "real-time" book before (however, did love 24 - the series, lol).

Well, with you at the helm, I'm sure it will be a smash hit as you've already displayed your incredible writing talents! It's funny, because when I read your work and @dreemit, I find I'm learning so much from your unique styles. I mean, nobody writes exactly the same, right? The different expressions, the descriptive wording, the narrative. I just love it so much and that's indirectly helping my work too.

I used to be a big kindle reader previously but now with you guys running the show, I think I'll choose @jedau and @dreemit instead. Am a big fan already and find the artistic style in your words, true beauty.

Good luck with your project. I'm so glad both you and @dreemmit have been picked up by curie and you getting the recognition you so thoroughly deserve. The stars await and they have your names written all over them.

Bless you, my top brother! Eagerly waiting for the continuation of Ledd's adventures.


I feel the same way, I've barely picked up my kindle since I started on steemit, ha! I also learn a great deal from you guys, it's true we all have our own techniques. @ezzy, you inspired me to write this book for steemit, I was so impressed with you taking on the daunting task of writing a novel for the's a great deal of pressure without the time to do a lot of re-writing, having to move the story line forward toward a climax and conclusion...I'm not sure if I would have attempted it if not for you, so thank you! (Unless of course I totally botch it, than a pox on you...KIDDING haha!) Actually it's fun, I refuse to overthink it, just let the story take me where it will, which I definitely see you doing :)
@jedau, I already said this, but I wanted to reiterate because I don't think there's a more difficult concept you could have chosen than a book about one day. And your first chapter captured it beautifully, I felt the hour in his life and the dream like quality.
Ultimately one of the biggest reasons I love both of your styles is probably the same as why I love you both as people, I get a sense of your spirits flowing through your words. I have read authors that can write really well, their language and grammar is impeccable, their sentence structure is flawless, but it somehow isn't genuine. Maybe they were just writing for a paycheck and that came across, but there's a disconnect between me and their characters and scenes that I believe stems from a their own disconnect from their work. If the author is emotionally invested, the readers tend to be as well I guess is what I'm trying to say :)

I'm not sure if you already know, but English isn't my first language. Heck, I barely use it while speaking :) I just have such a huge respect at how it was constructed. All its quirks and structures really fascinate me. I just paid very close attention to following its rules when I began using it, until it just became second nature. I can't speak for @ezzy, even though I know he puts his heart and soul in his writing, but for me, personally, I inject every fiber of my being to every word I write. That's why I don't think I can be a full-time writer, because I would just lose myself. Maybe that's why I don't write as often as I could. A part of my soul is wedged in every chapter, and I'm glad that you've noticed that :D

Um, no, I definitely did not know English wasn't your first language. Wow. That is a level of impressive I can't begin to describe. You write it so naturally!! I couldn't even begin to guess what your first language is. Usually I can tell if it's not someone's native tongue, even if they're extremely fluent, there are a lot of give-aways, small tells. Not with you. Incredible. Especially that you 'barely use it while speaking' ?? My uncle is from Germany but he's lived here since he was thirty and is now seventy-five. He only speaks English for the most part, other than when he's on the phone with some of his German relatives and maybe I wouldn't be able to tell it wasn't his native tongue if I read what he wrote. He still has a fairly strong accent and difficulty pronouncing certain letters after forty-five years!!
There is basically zero focus on foreign language in the public fool system here. (Just one of its many, many flaws) The classes they did offer were a joke, you might have come out of it knowing how to say colors and numbers in Spanish or French, but that's about it.

Thank you :D Maybe because I'm just so fascinated with languages (Linguistics was my second choice to Engineering) that learning other languages came easily. I'm almost always confused as an American when I write, which may have been detrimental at times (?) I mean, not as a slight to anyone, but it took away that "wow" factor that is elicited by the realization that I don't speak English at all on a daily basis. The confusion ends when people hear the way I speak, my native tongue rears its head that way, hence why speaking is never my strong suit haha! :D

You haven't just mastered English, you've mastered American English, seriously that's amazing, the rules of this language are ridiculous, with all of the exceptions. I once thought people just started making up words and assigned them to things and that's how it came about. Now I know that there were reasons, though none they ever intended to share with the 'commoners'. My husband's study of law is what led to a number of realizations. I don't know if it's the case in other countries, but the 'common' tongue here is truly a private joke for the elite, and the reason our courts seem to make no sense. Law books have definitions for words that are entirely different than what were taught. But that's a discussion for another time, I must attempt to sleep now :)

Really though, I just try to adapt to the 'common tongue' wherever I converse. Like a chameleon blending in to the background. It surely has its disadvantages, but it's fun looking at things where I stand. I wouldn't say I've "mastered" anything, I'm just an advanced beginner :D Have a good night's rest, my friend!

Thanks so much for the sweet and humbling comment. Wow, you guys really go for it with the conversations! That's so awesome, I can't tell you! I'm privileged to have been a possible catalyst in you starting a novel of your own. Just wait till you get a few chapters in, any pensiveness you may feel will diminish completely (if you feel any at all, lol)!

Personally, I have changed my writing style quite a bit since I first start. Being exposition heavy was holding me up a lot, I felt. Finding the right balance with narrative and description is a fine balance, but one that's so rewarding once found.

When I finish up on this novel, I will have to go through it once more with a fine toothcomb, picking out and editing sentences here and there to give it a better flow. They say when you actually complete the first draft of your book, the easy bit is out of the way, lol. I can kinda see what they mean.

But yeah, I've definitely toned down on the heavy descriptions (that in some cases can actually prove a distraction to the reader) and just say what needs to be said, as concisely as I can. If it means I missed out on a few, it's no problem. I can edit them back in when creating the second draft. When we write, it's hard to place ourselves in the shoes of the reader, as we already have so much knowledge about the characters, setting, story. It can be tricky separating ourselves away from that to see things more subjectively. That's why @jedau is a treasure and such a necessity for us as his comments are brimming with advice and extremely helpful insights that we may miss as writers of our of work. That is truly mind-blowing and writing wouldn't be the same without him there.

But this is primarily a platform based on writing (pictures ad videos are stored third party) so we are literally a part of the blockchain! And having such talent as your great self and the amazing @jedau is something that can never be underestimated. New comers to Steemit will read your work and realise that content on here can be of that high a standard. Good for our morale plus good for promoting the platform.

Two awesome writers that I am honoured to know and lucky enough to help me through my book. Respect and love forever! :)

I guess when you find people who actively converse in the comments, it's hard to let it go haha! @dreemit's such a gifted conversationalist, so I'm glad we have her to bounce stories and ideas with. It's been a blast writing side-by-side with you guys! The Symbiotic Protocol is already great enough as it is, but I trust that your modifications will only improve it. I'm just happy that I was able to contribute with what I did, and I can't thank you enough for recognizing the effort. You're probably the first one who ever did! That is, in terms of saying that my comments are an asset. It really means so much, and I shall forever treasure that praise. :D

Oh, man, I feel the same way when I read both of your masterpieces. I learn so much from the way you guys write, and I'm thankful that I get to pick up cues on how to tell stories. There's merit to that saying about standing in the shoulder of giants. It's just so fascinating to see the differences in how narratives are written, and it influences the way I write and tell stories. This circle of writers that we've established is just so beneficial for everyone.

It's a scary thing thinking about when I'll be unqualified for #curie though. I just realized that I could get only 40 votes at best without their support, and I'm almost at the brink of being unqualified. Yikes. Whatever happens though, I'm just happy from the support from my friends. It definitely cushions the coming blow. Ledd will soldier on even with $0 posts, you can count on that!

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