
in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Do you have time to talk about our lord and saviour Satoshi Nakamoto/Steve Jobs/Elon Musk/Jesus Christ?

I’m currently blogging on a cryptocurrency powered platform, and watching Apple’s yearly Special event, where they announce their new products. It got me thinking of the evangelists in these spaces.

I find it very interesting, and entertaining to observe people that are evangelists in the field they are very passionate about.

My current means of making a living comes solely from cryptocurrencies, and I use Apple products all day every day as my tools of making said living. So clearly I’m very much into both things, but I’m not an evangelist in either.

I’m enthusiastic and interested about a lot of things, and I know what I like and believe in, but I have never had any passion in towards converting anyone to my beliefs. I can tell about the benefits and good things, and why those things work for ME, but I’m not trying to make anyone and everyone use them, quite the opposite actually.

I’m a highly sceptical being, and I’m always a bit on the outskirts in terms of trends and new things. I might be excited but I like to circle around the subject and try to observe it from different perspectives. I always see a lot of flaws and possible negatives in everything, even in the things that I love using myself.

I’m very careful in recommending anything big to people, especially close ones, because I see flaws and I don’t want my loved ones to get hurt. Even though I’m somewhat optimistic and excited about the future of cryptocurrencies, I also see them as something very risky in terms of investment.

As I’m watching the Apple event, which I do every year, I can’t help but to be amused by some of the reactions people in the audience have. What ever the phone does, it’s still just that, a phone. Of course it was huge when first phones with a camera and huge screens came out, but after that, I’m not sure if anything has been that interesting. I’m waiting for something truly spectacular, something I couldn’t have even imagined, until I start ooh-ing and aah-ing over a piece of tech. Don’t get me wrong, I love shiny new tech, but it always looses it’s magic after a few weeks you have used it. What I need and look for, is something that is great to use, every day, and what performs the tasks I need it to do, efficiently and with style. I don’t need magic tricks.

Here is the thing, we need the evangelist. They are the people who only see their own vision and live and breath it, they are willing to do everything to make it happen. It can be huge technical advances, cure for cancer or setting a colony to Mars. We need them. We need those crazy fuckers.

But we also need the sceptics, the people who see possible problems and point them out. Evangelist just have to listen to sceptics, and work around the problems that are presenting. That is how I see great things happening.

Ps. Kudos to Apple for finally making the stream run smooth.


I have tried to spread the word of steemit, most people thought I am mad, and was not converted, I am however still hopeful that it will become big!!

This of course sounds like a total pyramid scheme, t hat is what I thought of Steemit at first too :D

I told many people and they are very skeptical. The world I lived total different from the western world . I told many people about steemit but they don't have any faith in any sort of cryptocurrency. There is difference between ignorance and foolishness. People easily believed in crooked politicians and realigious healers without any questions.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think you always got to do your own research and educate yourself, in what ever you believe in.

It is obvious you follow what you believe true, but sometimes if you want to help other but there foolishness and ignorance not let them to see the bigger picture.,🙁
It is said-"do not correct fool other will hate you, correct a wise man he will appreciate you.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is what most people say, but I have never came across a pyramid scheme that pays you, without you having to contribute a cent.

I believe it's a control thing. Some people are just sure they know how others should live and are compelled to convince them to join them. Some have found such great joy in something they wish for others to experience it as well. I'm a person who is compelled to control others, but I have learned to keep it in check. My wife of 49 years in November does not hesitate to snarl at me when I get too pushy for her liking. Manipulation is the line that should never be crossed. If you do something illegal or unethical to force others to your will then you know you need therapy.

There is an old Finnish proverb that goes something like: who has happiness, should hide it

I think that is something that a lot of Finnish people grew up in learning, that you should keep quiet about happy things, keep them to yourself.

Good points here, especially on the symbiotic conflict between skeptics and evangelists. Evangelists get excited about something and help to keep it moving forward; skeptics come along and poke holes in their lofty expectations. Then the problems get fixed and just like that, our society advances at a pace equally as uncomfortable for both of them.

It's kinda beautiful, isn't it?

And along the way, both are irritated as fuck about the others behaviour!

I couldnt get the relation between evengelists and apple products or with anything else you mention. But if you tried to express a thing about american gestures or behavioural generalization (for example crowd excitement) we observe in americans, you may have a point. Its always comes weird for an european to see how americans give some similar reactions individually or in groups to certain conditions. Mostly they look like they are role playing which gives an artificial impression to an outsider. It seems like they graduated from the same acting school.

Well I'm not a natural writer so maybe I didn't express myself clearly. In crypto space, a lot of people are what I like to call evangelists, in that every person they meet, they try to convert them into this belief that cryptocurrencies are the best thing ever and will change the world and they should invest asap! Same goes with Apple lovers, which I very much am, but I don't try to make everyone buy into it, because I know it's not for everyone. What I wrote had nothing to do with crowd behaviour or being American, I don't know where you got that from.

I got you better now after you explained the word evangelist. My interpretation was based on these kind of events and the behavioural outcome of them. Just dont mind it.

Actually I experience the opposite with your claim about Apple lovers and passion to spread it. All the apple users I know mostly complain about it but they cant stop using apple products because of some kind of an addiction (but not a good one). One of the reason is also most apple users dont change their devices with better and cheaper ones is that they lack of knowledge about tech issues.

You could have just googled the definition of evangelist, which is the title of my post, to get the hang of what I'm talking about.

Well most people are stupid so.... I love my Apple products and I can give a lot of reasons why I choose apple against any other, but that is not a subject for today.

I pretty know what evangelism and evangelists means including their history which I studied during my history of religions lessons. Your definition is alittle subjective but understandable so anyway it would be hard for me to find it by googling.

I think by Evangelism you also mean tribalism which i see alot of in tech, crypto and religion. It is very good to stay skeptical or you will end up a sheep.

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