TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Episode 95)

in #writing8 years ago

I Dream Of Genie


I think the boy had done good don’t you?

“He’s done really well” Elvira replied to me.

I understand all about being nervous about talking in public but the boy has got to learn that when he’s talking to the WaterTribe he’s not in public.....it’s family.

“I agree” Elvira said.

Which Brings to mind another thing.

“What’s that Master?” Elvira said.


“Me?” Elvira plaid dum.

Yes you. I think it’s about time we emphasize to the Tribe exactly who you and the other Daemons are.

“Yes Master” She said


(When Chad stopped talking he looked to Shelby or the Dragon Lady with sad puppy eyes. He really didn’t like public speaking. I took over.)

And that’s how it was. We settled in and life continued. One day :


It had been an exceptionally wet year. Point of fact it had been an exceptionally wet decade. It rained more than it ever had in living memory. Some talking heads on Television were speaking authoritatively of ARK storms, what ever that might be. Regardless the water rose almost to flood stage. People were getting nervous. Some had even began laying sandbags, re-enforcing levees and building them higher just in case.

The sky began to darken as rainclouds piled up in the sky, again. Thunder rumbled in the distance and in no time at all it was raining, again. It wasn’t a heavy driving rain so much as a “soaker” as the farmers would say.

Shelby said “Elvira?”

“Yes Master” I replied.

“What’s the weather forecast?” he asked me.

“Rain.“ I replied almost instantly. “Rain, rain, and more rain. Rain for the foreseeable future. The weather casters are expressing some dismay about it. They seem to find the situation alarming.”

“Oh… well that doesn’t surprise me. They’ll always ‘viewing something with alarm’. That’s what they do. That’s not the point though. It’s not gonna dry out any time soon huh?” he asked.

Shelby blinked. “Ummm, what’s with this ‘Master’ thing? I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.”

“ Do you like it?” I asked somewhat wickedly. I knew him better than he knew himself. It’s one of the perks of my job.

Shelby replied “Well yeah. Actually I do. I feel a little bit guilty about liking it but I do.”

I said, “No reason at all for you to feel guilty. There’s just you and me here. I was sorting through some of your memories the other day and I come across ’I Dream of Genie.’ You used to watch it when you were a child. You liked it.”

Shelby conceded“Oh yeah. I certainly did. I had a serious adolescent crush on Genie.”

I said, “I thought so. So think me as your Genie. The Genie and I are similar in a lot of ways come to think of it.”

Shelby replied while looking at the me ., “Except Genie didn’t have a scales, or a tail, or wings, or...”

“I GET it!” I said in mock exasperation.

“Other than that you are almost identical” Shelby said.

And THAT is a lesson I want to emphasize to everyone in this room.
(I slowly changed from the cute little dragon

to something with more Authority)

I’m a Daemon. Originally, back in the day, when Flies Like a Rock got himself killed it might have been different. Back then poor old Rock had an avatar that acted as a go-between him and the SoulStone. You all know about the SoulStone, some of you do, but I’ll refresh your memory. For some of you this may be news.

Take heed.

Shelby is my MAN! I’m very protective of him. I’m both more and less than a normal person but one things for damn sure...I’ll protect him. All of us Daemons are the same way. Isn’t that right Akasuki?

“It certainly is!” Akasuki didn’t look so cute and sweet. She looked rather awesome.

“ I’m down with that!” Yvette chimed in. She looked like a momma lion ready to protect her young.

“Ulp!” Karl said.

Seriously Karl?

Every one laughed. That was my intention. Then Sally bright lass, chimed in with a question.

“Why is Karl so different from you three?” she asked. “he’s a guy. You three are female.”

Karl is unique. He marches to the beat of a different Calliope. If he’s willing he’ll tell us his story in time.

What I want to emphasize...and make CRYSTAL clear. .I killed a bunch of thugs that day in the park. It wasn’t just Shelby that had all the fun. The Director of Viper lost his head to Akasuki. Yvette and Karl stand ready too.

The Magi are under OUR protection...

(the words lingered in the air)

..............and YOU ARE TOO!

All of the WATER TRIBE are.

To Be Continued

I hope you are enjoying this

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That's my Blog
in which I pontificate on Technology,
Philosophy, Religion,Politics, Economics
and occasionally
In my Blog I write about,
and hopefully engage my readers in discussions about,
the possible lifestyles that we will encounter after
TEOTWAWKI happens.
It WILL happen, one way or another,
probably something in between.
One thing is for sure and for certain though,
the world will NOT remain the same.
So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

The Hobo Picture is a Public Domain image from
Samantha at the Worlds Fair
by Josiah Allen's Wife (Marietta Holley)
Illustrated by
Baron C. De Grimm published by
Funk and Wagnall's Company 1893
Unless noted
All other Illustrations are from

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