TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Episode 136)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

Bridge Out

“That’s about all there is to it.” Shelby said “ We found out later, thru alternate means that we had left just in time. Just before we left we’d put up warning signs to alert anyone to NOT take the exit. We’d posted BRIDGE OUT signs and blocked the road. Apparently some folks are too stupid to heed a warning.”

“You can’t fix stupid.” he said. “This is what happened shortly after we pulled away.”

Donald Prancing and Samuel Carse were officers of the court. Some days they liked their job better than other days, today was a particularly GOOD day. They loved to evict people. The court had decided that the needs of the many took priority over the needs of the few. It had decided that the Fifth amendment didn’t apply in this case.

** ‘nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation’**

Didn’t really mean what it said. Eminent Domain took precedence. It had been decided at the highest levels that the state would be better served if a rag-tag group of misfits were not allowed to retain ownership of a certain ‘Flint Island’. Just Compensation was also a quaint notion. The people in question would either take what little they were offered or get nothing.

“Sir,” the driver told them, “there’s something in the road ahead.” He slowed as he approached the sawhorses blocking the roadway.

Bridge Out

“That doesn’t look like standard D.O.T. equipment” Samuel said.

sigh No it doesn’t” Donald said his evil grin belying his words. “I’d hoped that it wouldn’t come to this.”

“Yeah, me too” Samuel said smiling “They’re going to do it the hard way. Should I call the knee breakers, I mean, armed officers of the law yet?”

“No, not yet. Let them call the tune,” Donald said

“Do you want me to move the sawhorse sir?” the driver asked with a bit of apprehension. The limo wasn’t really designed to be smashing into wooden barricades.

“Yes, please do that,” Donald said.

“I hate it when it goes sideways like this. Can’t the those people realize that they can’t win? Why do they keep fighting?” Samuel said grinning. He would ham it up for all it was worth. He spoke to Donald while the driver got out into the dark fog and pushed the homemade sign to one side. The damn fog was so thick you couldn’t see ten feet.

“Oh, I dunno” Donald said sarcastically as the driver got back into the limo. “Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that it’s their home? That they’ve owned it free and clear for decades? Maybe they don’t like the idea of being evicted?”

“That might have something to do with it.” Samuel said wondering if Donald was serious. Was His long time acquaintance getting soft?

“FIDO,” he told the driver.

The driver looked back in confusion, “Sir?”

“Fuck. It. Drive. On.” he repeated.

Perhaps that annoyed the driver somewhat. No one likes to be cursed for doing their job. Perhaps the driver stepped on the gas and just a touch too hard because of it. Perhaps they proceeded forward into the dense fog just a tiny bit too fast. The driver couldn’t stop in time. He DID slam on the brakes before he bailed out. The front wheels rolled over the edge of the drop off and the limo dropped onto its frame and slid forward. Wet steel on wet concrete. Unfortunately, the limo had slid too far forward and had tipped forward too much. The weight transfer had lifted the rear wheels off the pavement and the locked tires had nothing to grab onto.

The driver, no fool he, was out of the car and scrambling out of the way as soon as he realized the inevitable. He hadn't refastened his seat belt when he re-entered the limo from moving the sawhorses. That had given him the fraction of a second he needed to get clear before the big machine went over the edge. Donald Prancing and Samuel Carse, rather plump 'lawyers' sitting in the rear of the stretch limo, weren’t so lucky or quick. One of them did manage to jump free of the car as it plummeted to the river far below.

Luckily he hit the water.

Unluckily the water was only a foot deep at that point.

He slammed into the sand and gravel of the riverbottom, broke every bone in his body and ruptured the majority of his organs.

Then the limo hit on its side right beside him, rolled over, and squashed him flat.

He was the lucky one.

He died quickly if not painlessly. The other lawyer was trapped inside the car with his face barely underwater. If he strained his neck he could barely hold his smashed nose out of the water far enough to get a few bloody bubbles of air. He was a stubborn and determined man. It took him a long time to finally die from exhaustion and inhaling his own blood.

To Be Continued

I hope you are enjoying this

Perhaps you might also enjoy
Other Books
that I have written.
Follow me @everittdmickey
That's my Blog
in which I pontificate on Technology,
Philosophy, Religion,Politics, Economics
and occasionally
In my Blog I write about,
and hopefully engage my readers in discussions about,
the possible lifestyles that we will encounter after
TEOTWAWKI happens.
It WILL happen, one way or another,
probably something in between.
One thing is for sure and for certain though,
the world will NOT remain the same.
So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

The Hobo Picture is a Public Domain image from
Samantha at the Worlds Fair
by Josiah Allen's Wife (Marietta Holley)
Illustrated by
Baron C. De Grimm published by
Funk and Wagnall's Company 1893
Unless noted
All other Illustrations are from


This is awesome so happy I found you

I aim to please.

Redeemed. Ah the writer's life

Could you please show me where this story actually commences ?

I have read bits of it and am intrigued, I would like to start at the actually beginning of this manuscript please?

Where is that exactly ? is their like a # 1 blog post ???

yup... episode one.
read fast...in a couple of days the story gets....strange...

ROFL; oh I thought it was already a " different" type of story, that is why I want to try and read it LOL. ROFL, so now I suppose I will have to follow along to find out what ' strange ' entails : )

Love your style ; )

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