TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Episode 130)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

Pretty Much a Disaster

The Dragon Lady continued speaking.

Dragon Lady

“But wait!” I said dramatically, “There’s more! Why do they want our land?”

It was NOT lost on the crowd that I said “our” land. Everyone there knew that I held the deed. It was MY land, not theirs. but I didn’t think so. It was OURS. Then I mentioned Reggie and Mary.

“They are Economic refugee’s from Water Town,” I said. “They were priced out of their jobs and their home. They had to leave. They were lucky. They had a boat. They had a place to live.”

The townspeople were puzzled. What did a boat have to do with anything?

“Something is causing ‘big money’ to move,” I told the townspeople. “I’ve done some checking on the internet. I have some pretty savvy people who know about this kind of thing and they helped with the research. A great deal of property along the coasts, in fact all of the property below three hundred feet vertical elevation above sea level, is being sold. Some of the most expensive real estate in the country if not in the entire world, is being sold for a fraction of it’s book value. If you want a marvelous deal on seafront property anywhere in the country on any sea coast and many rivers, nows the time. It’s a fire-sale,” I said.

Tommy’s father had worked in real estate much of his life. He was puzzled. “What in the world could make everyone on the coast leave. It’s like they’ve fleeing a storm.”

“Flood,” I said. “Global flood. The sea level is rising.”

Everyone looked at each other in embarrassment. They’d heard the Greenies whining forever. The environmental movement and Global Warming had been predicting disaster for decades. It hadn’t happened.

“I know what you are all thinking. You think that’s crazy talk. I’d agree with you except,” I looked at them and smiled sadly, “Antarctica is melting.”

A theatre size video screen appeared before us. It showed a side view of Antarctica as seen from the International Space Station. At that point in it’s orbit, the ISS was at 40 degrees south. The view was to the south. Parts of the continent of Antarctica was glowing a dull red,

much like lava,

and smoking,

much like lava.

I continued, “One of our young geeks is an internet pen pal with one of the ISS astronauts. This was sent to him entirely sub rosa, it’s a personal video. The powers that be are playing it close to the vest and not releasing anything officially. I imagine they want to prevent panic, right?”

I sneered. “They want time to unload threatened real estate while there’s still someone to buy it is why. They’ve been playing chiken little for a long time. They’ve discredited the very IDEA of global warming. Now it’s happening, or at least the Antarctic is melting, and no one will believe it without solid proof. They’re hiding the proof.”

I continued, “The ice is melting. Who knows, it may all melt. The people in position to know are certainly acting like they expect it to. They’re acting like they expect the sea level to rise, and soon. They’re acting like they expect the coasts everywhere to flood.”

“How high IS the watah momma?” Captain just couldn’t resist. Everyone had been very tense. They chuckled a bit.

“That’s a very good question. Oddly enough all the government tidal stations went off line,” I said, “world wide, there’s not been a real time measurement available on the internet for weeks.”

“They won’t be able to continue covering it up much longer. Eventually something will happen and the news media will be forced to take notice. There is very little time left before the story is going to break wide open

“How high is it likely to reach?” Chad asked.

“I did some research. Some ‘scientists’ have estimated in the past that if all the ice on Antarctica were to melt the oceans would rise by 250 foot. To put that into perspective, consider Memphis Tennessee. Its elevation is also 250 foot,” I said.

“The increased water level moves inland along the rivers too. All the river deltas, all the river flood plains, many of the river cities,” I stopped, why belabor the obvious?

“I never did like Houston,” someone in the crowd muttered, “but this is a bit much. You said Memphis? That’s not all that far south of here is it? Four hundred miles maybe?”

“I honestly can’t say I’ wouldn't be unhappy to see DC drowned,” someone else said, “nor NYC for that matter, but...”

“It will be pretty much a disaster,” I agreed.

To Be Continued

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That's my Blog
in which I pontificate on Technology,
Philosophy, Religion,Politics, Economics
and occasionally
In my Blog I write about,
and hopefully engage my readers in discussions about,
the possible lifestyles that we will encounter after
TEOTWAWKI happens.
It WILL happen, one way or another,
probably something in between.
One thing is for sure and for certain though,
the world will NOT remain the same.
So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

The Hobo Picture is a Public Domain image from
Samantha at the Worlds Fair
by Josiah Allen's Wife (Marietta Holley)
Illustrated by
Baron C. De Grimm published by
Funk and Wagnall's Company 1893
Unless noted
All other Illustrations are from


FANTASTIC, eager for more! um and thank you by the way for the lesson on TEOTWAKI, I had no idea what this meant until today so, as I learned yesterday, TIL what TEOTWAKI means! This story sounds like it might actually be non fiction....hmmmm

Thank you.
I actually use as much real science (projected as to what it MIGHT be, of course). It'd be a BAD thing for most of us if it really happened.

However...global warming has it backwards...it's getting colder.

agreed...I used to live in Canada....I am aware of the cold..ahhaha
now as for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it does not mean the end of the world, but rather just the state of the world as we know it to be now.....) being a bad thing that is a matter of perspective. I I ask you to look at this from a different vantage point, lets put a positive connotation on this acronym. Being a white privileged person living in a middle class life, life for me is much more okay than for most of the world. However , I can say that The world as we know it is not okay when my brothers and sisters of humanity are being physically and emotionally abused and lied to and freedoms taken away and murdered by a small group of people who have an agenda to take over our planet completely, I am not living in a world that I want to remain the same as it currently is!.
I am one with all and I am passionate about raising OUR consciousness , by raising my OWN vibration and intending a different world where we are ALL living with abundance and freedom of choice and love, so until I am there, I will be happy to see TEOTWAWKI and welcome it and together we can from a place of love~ RE-VISION what we want our world to look and feel like. This planet is perfect and the only thing I can change is myself. Its a good place to start I think. The Hate needs to be REPLACED by the LOVE. Blah...im done with my rant ...:) thanks for listening.

An Apocalyptic TEOTWAWKI might be good for the decendents of the survivors.

Everyone else, not so much.

Your brothers and sisters of humanity (who) are being physically and emotionally abused and lied to and (having their) freedoms taken away

will be hurt worst in any apocalyptic scenario. Let's hope it doesn't happen that way.

I'm glad you are enjoying the story. I have more and I will continue posting for the forseeable future.

I also have other books on Amazon Kindle.

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