TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Episode 120)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

Runaway Girl

The Dragon Lady spoke. Everyone had expected that Joshua would ‘shout out’ another former homeless person such as he had with David. This was new. Rapt attention was focused on Kamiko.

“If I may take over for a moment.” the dragon lady said. “The young lady in question had been severely traumatized. I’ve been conducting therapy sessions with her since she came aboard. She’s getting MUCH better but revealing her identity and associating it with her history is ill advised. I’ll describe what happened.

Dragon Lady

Near the base of a Fly Way, up among the beams a young, much abused, young lady woke up. This was the safest place she had found lately. She had almost been raped the other day and she was terrified. She did not want it to happen again, ever.

Running away from home hadn’t been such a great idea. Her expectations weren’t matching reality. Her mother’s boyfriend had abused her frequently, but when she was living with here mother she could steal her mother’s birth control pills.

She’d also had access to a bathroom and a bed, and they fed her. She hadn’t realized that things can always get worse. Too bad it took actually running away from home to discover that unpalatable bit of information.

She’d run away form home, and things did get worse. Rape being just one of many new things to fear. She rolled over carefully on the top of the beam. It was at least fourteen feet to the cement below and she didn’t want to fall off. Falling that far would hurt. As weak and as hungry as she was, it might even be fatal.

What was this, near her elbow, that she’d almost knocked over the side? She picked it up and examined it. It was a pretty necklace. A beautiful golden necklace with a lovely gemstone pendant. She hadn't noticed it there when she went to sleep. Of course it had been hard to see and she'd been frightened and in a rush when she found this place. She’d scrambled up here like a monkey in the dark. Perhaps someone else had used it as a refuge and left it behind.

She found a good secure spot in a corner and snuggled up against the wall. She wasn’t likely to fall off from here, or be seen from below. Her hair was a mess. She combed it back with her fingers as best she could and put the necklace over her head.

Why not?

Music. She heard music. Pretty music, peaceful music. She sat there for the longest time, drifting with the music. At some point she noticed that there were pictures. They had started out very subtle with understated color, then the color had changed to patterns and the patterns had changed to pictures, and now she was watching a video.

It was an odd video.

It showed a young girl dressed in rags, much like herself and a strange little dragon. It was a magical, marvelous creature, the girl could seemingly ask for anything she wanted. The little dragon would lay an egg and whatever it was that she had wanted would hatch from that egg, except for food. The dragon looked remarkably like the dragon that was standing right beside her.

She hadn’t noticed it until just now.

To Be Continued

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in which I pontificate on Technology,
Philosophy, Religion,Politics, Economics
and occasionally
In my Blog I write about,
and hopefully engage my readers in discussions about,
the possible lifestyles that we will encounter after
TEOTWAWKI happens.
It WILL happen, one way or another,
probably something in between.
One thing is for sure and for certain though,
the world will NOT remain the same.
So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

The Hobo Picture is a Public Domain image from
Samantha at the Worlds Fair
by Josiah Allen's Wife (Marietta Holley)
Illustrated by
Baron C. De Grimm published by
Funk and Wagnall's Company 1893
Unless noted
All other Illustrations are from

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