TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Episode 35 )steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago (edited)


“One thing about my husband” Sherry thought, “he is strong, has stamina, and is uninhibited.”

“Hmm...that was three things” she thought distractedly. She was weaving dreams. She was addressing the various forms of intelligence, blending them with emotions, sensations, feeling, kinesthetics, spatial awareness and weaving them all together to form an opus of extreme eroticism. There would be no sexual frustration however, as might happen when watching pornography. By the completion of her creation all desire was more than satisfied to the point of satiation.

She was rather pleased with the configuration. Her husband had provided her with some EXTREME sensations the night before that fit perfectly into the structure.

She had recorded both sides of the engagement and was using ‘parts’ to build with. She felt that this was her best composition to date. She was proud of her work and wanted to show it to someone of discriminating taste, the question was who? She had to be careful. In someways it was like a loaded pistol. It might be harmful to untrained minds. Who should she show it too?

AH! She had it! The very one! She’d ask the Matriarch for her opinion. She placed a mind-link ‘video’ call.

Kamiko Akiyama: Why hello dear! So nice of you to call. What can I do for you this fine day?
Sherry Melton: Thank you for taking my call. Do you recall the conversation we had the other day when you mentioned ‘DreamWeavers’?
Puzzlement then comprehension began to dawn upon Kamiko’s face.
Kamiko Akiyama: You dog! And I say that with great admiration and profound respect. You did it?
Sherry blushed. That was extreme praise from Kamiko. It took a lot to impress that old gal. Sherry bowed her head forward.
Sherry Melton: I have made an attempt. Would you do me the honor of evaluating it. Perhaps give me a critique? It is said that no artist or author is capable of judging their own work. I am proud of it and think it’s of high quality but for all I really know it could be the basest of dreck.
Kamiko Akiyama: I hardly think it’s that. I suspect that you have nothing to fear. Certainly I’ll evaluate it. It’d be my pleasure and honor. I’ll give you a review when I’m done. I happen to have time on my hands right now so I can check it out immediately. How long does it run?
Sherry Melton: Will you really? I’d be so very grateful. I’m sending it too you as an attachment right now.
As you are undoubtedly well aware ‘dreamtime’ is not one to one correspondent to ‘realtime’ but my compositions run fairly close. They’re a little bit faster than reality. I’d say a 2:1 ratio. What would take two minutes in reality only takes about a minute in my dream. Perhaps less. The default setting of a composition has a timer set to ten minutes dream time. That would be about five minutes real time.
Preferences has other settings that can be set as you so desire.
Kamiko Akiyama: Got it. Five minutes you say? I’ll call back in half an hour. That’ll give me time to experience it then formulate a reasoned response. Bye for now.
Sherry Melton: Bye Bye,

Sherry ended the connection then sat down and had a mental breakdown. She’d earned it and she was going to enjoy it. Not really, but she felt like an emotional wet noodle.

What had she just DONE?

She eagerly watched the clock. What would the Matriarch think of it? What would the Matriarch think of HER! Perhaps she should have thought of that before she jumped. Had she jumped off the deep end? Had she jumped the shark?

The time drug by. Half an hour came and went. Forty five minutes passed. Almost an hour had gone by when Kamiko called back.

Her hair was wet. She’d obviously taken a cold shower. Her eyes were bright as fire. She had a “glow’ about her. She smiled. She radiated. She appeared to be extremely happy to the point of ecstasy.

Kamiko Akiyama: All I can say is WOW! Even that, and anything else I can think of to say is totally inadequate to describe the experience. I only lasted six minutes then I hit the escape switch, then I had to take an long cold shower in ice water to ‘come up for air.’ Bailing out was the hardest thing I have done lately. I wanted very badly to just loose myself in blissful oblivion forever. I think that it’s just a hair off from stimulating the pleasure center of the brain enough to be dangerous. It might even be able to create an addictive response.
Sherry’s hopes were dashed. What a downer.
Sherry Melton: Oh. Well that’s a disappointment. That I did my job TOO well is not something I expected to hear. Perhaps I should find another hobby. Knitting perhaps.
She was sad.
Kamiko Akiyama: WhatEVER are you talking about girl? You’ll do no such thing! Eventually I want every girl on the Isle to have a library of variations on this theme. Boys too
Sherry Melton:What? Why I thought you implied it was dangerous?
Kamiko Akiyama: Yes it is. More dangerous than weaponized smallpox. The question is, dangerous to WHO?
Sherry Melton:Then why should I provide more? Why not ban it?
Kamiko Akiyama: That’s what Viper is trying to do with us. Viper is trying to ban us.
Sherry Melton: Well yeah, but this is entirely different.
Kamiko Akiyama: Yeah but?
Sherry Melton: OMG. I said it didn't’ I?
Kamiko Akiyama: Yup.
Sherry Melton: What do we do?
Kamiko Akiyama: Such a question. We use it to our advantage naturally. In a manner of speaking we will ‘drown proof our kids. Any girl who has experienced this sensation will not think kindly of a pimple faced Romeo. Any boy who has experienced the male equivalent (you can make them can’t you?) will have absolutely ZERO desire to rape. Exactly none. Couldn’t force him to do it under drugs and hypnosis probably. The same could be said, perhaps more so, of the adult population of the Banana Slug.
Kamiko Akiyama: The benefits will be even better for the older couples especially those in whom the female has menopaused and lost all interest in sex. Did you hear the joke the other day about how one man said that he saw no reason to go to a strip joint, pay lots of money for a lap dance only to become sexually frustrated, when his wife did that to him at home for free?
Sherry Melton:(giggle) Oh my. That really happens doesn’t it?
Kamiko Akiyama: Constantly. In fact it’s almost inevitable.
Sherry Melton: This will help?
Kamiko Akiyama: Oh HELL yeah. Not only will it be therapeutic, my dear, but it will drive a huge wedge between recreational sex and procreation. After this the two will be glaringly different. With this anyone can indulge in VR sex with absolutely zero fear of disease or pregnancy. Having children will no longer be accidental.
This is a sea change.
“Full fathom five thy father lies,
Of his bones are coral made,
Those are pearls that were his eyes,
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change,
into something rich and strange,
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell,
Hark! now I hear them, ding-dong, bell.”

Congratulations. This is our Sea Change. No more Bell Ring without prior consent on both sides.
Sherry Melton: Oh my.
Kamiko Akiyama: Indeed! We need to work out a plan. We need to work this into our childhood (and adult) education. Bring everything you have ready to my office in Dragon Central. I want to evaluate your new compositions as soon as you can provide them.We are SO going to ‘drown proof’ our children.
Sherry was speechless.

Kamiko Akiyama: Why are you still sitting there? Come on girl get busy! Times a wasting!

Follow @everittdmickey

If you are enjoying this story perhaps you would enjoy the story of how it all began

The First Book of the Series in entitled


I have also written Other Books

All Illustrations are from pixabay

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