Ride The Lightning - Episode 6steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

Call From Jupiter

(weeks later)

Chris took the call on his ThumBrain..a holographic figure formed in front of him. It wasn’t very clear...it must originate a LONG ways off.

“Hey buddy...where have you been keeping yourself?” Chris asked the caller. He waited for the transmission lag. It was significant, the caller was indeed far away.

Off planet.

“Oh...you know...here and there.” Matthew Reeves eventually replied. “I was out near Jupiter the other month and I saw something that I thought might interest you.”

“And what might that be?” Chris was all ears. When Matt thought something was interesting it was usually off the charts unusual. Interesting enough to put up with this stupid speed of light lag.

“Um…I think we might have a first contact. I spotted an alien space ship. It’s headed your way” Matt confirmed Chris’s hunch. It WAS off the charts unusual.

Unique actually.

“My way?” Chris was curious “First contact?”

“Perhaps I overstated that a bit….” the quality of the hologram and the associated sound was breaking up..”...it’s a derelict...prime salvage....I just squirted you the ephemeris…and some video I took. Deposit a finder’s fee in my accco…..hisssssss

Lost contact.

Chris checked the inbox in my thumbrain…yup..sure enough.

“Mary…would you show me a plot of that please?Please analyze the attached video. Oh, and please deposit a finder’s fee in Matthew M. Reeves’ account. Add a substantial bonus. ” Chris asked the Artificially Stupid Sapient in his ThumBrain. He’d named his ASS Mary…Bloody Mary actually. He realized that it was stupid to be polite to a non-sentient program. He didn’t care. He did so anyway. Chris was like that. Chris was eccentric.

“Sure thing darling...there you go.” A graphic representation of the trajectory of the object formed in his HUDS.

“Can you give me some time stamps please?” He asked Mary. His request was instantly granted.

“How would you evaluate this video?” he asked.

“It’s definitely a spacecraft.” Mary stated “It’s nothing anyone has ever seen before. Nothing like it in Jane's. It’s rather melty around the edges. It’s been treated hard. Actually it looks like it’s been through Hell. There is no sign of life although there are very low power readings. It would appear that some systems are on standby. It’s ballistic right now but that might change.”

“Very interesting…….I need to make a few calls. Contact Emerson Ford Please…” Chris recited a list of several more contacts other than Emerson.

“ How are you Emerson?” He greeted the holographic figure that coalesced before him...there was still some transmission lag. It was enough to be noticeable but nowhere near as bad as with Matt.

“Bout the same as usual Chris…mean and ornery…and you?” Emerson replied.

“Not bad.” He said “I have some information that might interest you. It’s an unidentified spacecraft. It shows signs of standby power but currently it’s not under thrust. If you can catch it, it’s yours if you want it, just send me a percentage of the salvage fee. If you can’t catch it or you’re not interested, I’d appreciate an update. I’ll send YOU a fee.”

He signed off. Mary consecutively connected him to others on his list...one right after the other. It took a few hours but when he was done h had a plan and felt a curious mix of satisfaction and anticipation.

(days later)

“I’m afraid I can’t do much with it Chris” Emerson said via hologram. ”Celestial mechanics and all that. I launched a hi-gee chaser after it but it will be an hour or so behind when it goes nearest to earth. The chaser will get some more video and continue to monitor until you decide what you want to do, then it will self destruct. That’s about all I can do. I’m sorry. The stars are in the wrong position to favor this venture. I appreciate the fee.”

“I love it when you talk dirty.”Chris replied. It was cute the way my Emerson reworded orbital mechanics into astrological terms. “I owe you a favor. Your fee, along with a bonus, is in the mail.”

He hung up the phone.

For the next few days either Chris or someone he trusted monitored the data feed. Chris happened to be watching when the alien craft launched what appeared to be a shuttle...or an escape pod. That had been the least likely possibility scenario that he had prepared for.

However...he HAD prepared for it.

“Mary?” He addressed his ASS.

“Yes master?” She replied.

“Plan Omega.” He told her.

“I live to obey.” Mary complied “working.”

“How’s the weather along my projected route? How bad are the icebergs? How bad will the wind be? Any major storms?” Chris asked his go-to man specializing in route planning.

“It could be a lot worse.” the go-to man replied” There are no major flotilla’s of icebergs. The last Heinrich Event has stabilized. The wind is not TOO bad and no major storms are on the weather forecast horizon.”

“I was hoping you’d say that” replied Chris. “I think I’ll flip my WIG. I’m in a hurry now.”

To Be Continued

I hope you are enjoying this

If you are just now discovering this story and want to read more
it begins here
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So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

All Images and GIFs are hot-linked to the sites where google found them.
I assume that they are posted on the internet to be looked at.
If the owners don’t want them to be looked at
they shouldn’t put them on display.
There’s an old saying:
Bare it and we’ll all share it
So we are.
They can take them down any time.
I’m just providing links...I didn’t copy the images.
The Badges are graciously provided by @elyaque

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