Paths we Choose...

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Some days like today, I wish I studied a science related course and not Law. The universe is so vast and just amazing. I deliberately refused to do any science subject except Biology in my senior secondary school even when it was made compulsory. How I got away with this, I still can't explain. I know I was called a few times to meet the school counselor, but to avoid staining my result with red biro and bad scores, I stuck to my guns to do just art courses from SSS1.
My biggest issue then was that science was not attractive to me. I could not relate it to my every day happenings. It sounded really verbose and complicated, except biology which I absolutely loved and adored. Biology fed my curiosity about living things, especially plants. Physics and chemistry were just damn complex then. I wish it was simplified like I now know. I did fine arts in secondary school, and it was until my university days that a friend drew parallels between fine arts and physics with a little chemistry. That conversation opened my heart to so much.

Some weeks now, I have been treated to spectacular movies by my boss and friend, Iboro Otu. These movies totally want to make me explore this universe more. I saw one today called Interstellar, and honestly, my blood is singing with excitement from the movie. Law of gravity, Murphy's Law, Law of relativity simplified in such a practical yet engaging way in this movie. Today, physics just appeared so beautiful to me. Chai. In my next life, I'll study physics if I don't come back as a Dolphin. We are yet to explore half of this universe. We are not alone in this world.

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