Plot line for a short film II: The Deaf Boy Chasing After The Wind, Intro to Scene#10

in #writing6 years ago

  Introduction Long time ago, there was a scientist who discovered the time flows slowly as it gets farther from the center of the earth. Later, the trees in the mountains disappeared and the place was covered up by houses. Now we call the place the shantytown. 

Scene#1 From night to day

 (Fade in) The wind rages with the snow falling in large flakes. With shabby wall and blue cloud-shaped door in the background, the twilight glitters. The tree casts its shadow on the wall and door. Despite the wind, it could not stir the branches if at all. The train passes in front of the house and the train whistle gradually increases. On the door, there is a note written by a child long time ago. “I can’t hear. You may come in.” The note was blown over by the wind and only the deaf boy chasing after the wind stays behind. Then a bluebird flew in and perched on the doorknob. After a couple minutes of twitter of the bluebird, it flies away and wags only the doorknob.    

Theme 1. The time flows from top to bottom  

 Scene#2 Kiki, the dancing boy

 There is an array of family photos hung on the wall showing the family history. Once the boy inverted a sandglass, the phonograph plays the music and a fat retriever winds up the phonograph. There we see a boy who twines his arms around his body and moves with a slight limp. Kiki gives a sigh of resignation after seeing his misery in the mirror. Knock knock knock   

Scence#3 Meeting with the bluebird. 

Kiki stands by the window watching the heavy blizzard. Dawn pulls on his pants. Kiki holds Dawn in his arms and watch the blizzard together. Out of nowhere, a bluebird raps the glass window with its beak. Kiki opens the window and lets the bluebird come in.

 Scene#4 The dreaming boy 

Dawn lay down by the fireside and the bluebird sat on his head. The boy lay on the bed watching the propeller hanging from the ceiling. A model airplane tied to the propeller turns together. The boy falls asleep and dreams of his childhood when he played with the model airplane with his father.

 Scene#5 The family picture flew in with the wind 

You can hear the train whistling from far away. Everything in the house wobbles back and forth and the train soon passes in front of the house. The wind comes in through the opened window and has the family photo blown to the bed. The boy wakes up from the tremor and sees the photo on his bed. It was taken at the bench in front of the house with him, his father and Dawn in it. He walks toward the fish bowl to put the photo where it was. There are whale-looking fish and Eiffel tower shaped toy in the fish bowl. Kiki bens his back and carefully stares at the whale. 

Scene#6 Fantasy in the fish bowl

 The boy is in the water. With his mouth filled with the air, Kiki swims to a beam of light. After keeping his head out of the water, Kiki finds that it is the desert with dust parching the wind. In the middle of the vast expanses of the desert, he could only see the tip of the Eiffel tower and his own head. Whoo~ Whoo~There’s the noise of the sandstorm.

 Scene#7 The three flowerpots

 The boy picks up the flowerpot with the whale and waters it every day. There are three flowerpots made out of can and lay on top of another fixed to the frame. Water passes through the young tree pot and abounding leaves to the withered tree in the bottom. The boy reaches out his hand through the open window. He can feel the wind blowing. He makes a pinwheel with his family picture. The pinwheel quietly spins in the heavy snowstorm. 

Scene#8 The boy flying the model airplane 

Kiki tears off the model airplane from the propeller and tries to fly it away. He runs through his small room. The airplane tied to the bed flies away into the heavy wind. The string tied to the airplane was tight. Dawn and Kiki play chess together and Dawn wins. Kiki seems frustrated and disappointed. 

Scene#9 The last memory with his father

 The boy lies down and thinks of the last memory he has with his father. The father lifts up Kiki on a big plane wing. Kiki loves it as if he was flying for real. But the father leaves Kiki and takes an airplane. He soon disappears in the fog. Then the boy chases after the flying airplane but the train blocks Kiki. 

Scene#10 His determination

 In reality, the train passes in front of the house and it wobbles. The string tied to the model airplane broke and a picture frame falls on the chessboard. The bluebird rushes outside. A piece of paper flies into the room and falls into the boy’s hand. He bleeds a little bit from the small cut. The paper says “What would you do if you could go down there only for a day?” Homesick Railroad. The sand oozes out of the broken sandglass. The boy stands in front of the door with his bike. Then he opens the door.  


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